Sorry Sam. GW means more regulatory jobs for bureaucrats and your eventual enslavement.

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Hank Kroll

Oct 16, 2008, 11:19:09 PM10/16/08
to Optionality
Sorry Sam Carana!
If the average GW/GC nut doesn’t know the difference between the solar
system and galaxy we are all doomed because of the danger of falling
victim to the government disinformation specialists. There is no
global warming and no global cooling. We are in an Ice Age with an
average temperature on Earth of 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

I never once mentioned the word Galaxy in my post titled: ATTENTION
ALL GW/GC NUTS! I hope the rest of the GW/GC nuts are more
knowledgeable about our position in the cosmos. If the average person
doesn't know the difference between the solar system and the galaxy we
are all doomed. If the average GW/GC nut is that ignorant about our
position in the solar system and galaxy they will believe anything the
government disinformation specialists tell them.

I am talking about our solar system! The Earth orbits at a distance of
93,000,000 miles from the sun once a year (every 365and 1/4 days) and
our orbit is slightly elliptical. It gets even more elliptical when
the larger planets line up going out a million miles further from the
sun and closer by a million miles ever 4850 years. It just so happened
that the Earth was in perihelion, a million more miles further away
from the sun this summer causing a cool summer in the northern
hemisphere. Please read the article again to find out why the winter
will be warmer!

Some of the orbit periods of the larger planets like, Saturn 29.46
Earth years, Uranus every 42 years, Jupiter 11.86 Earth years, Pluto
248 Earth years. If you want to know about ling range climatic changes
on Earth Google, ‘Antarctic Ice core graphs’. Many nations and many
teams of scientists have drilled miles down through the ice caps in
Antarctica and Greenland getting into ice close to three million years
old. The layers of pollen, air bubbles, etc. They can determine snow
fall and temperature with a microscope by comparing layers of ice. By
thawing out sections of the ice they can determine how much Co2 is in
the air at that time, how much methane, etc.

GW or GC is about passing laws giving government bureaucrats more
power over your life. If enough of you guys and gals believe such a
thing is a fact then we will all eventually become slaves.

Please, please go to a used book store and pick up a National
Geographic picture atlas titled, OUR UNIVERSE. I highly recommend this
book by Roy A Gallant. I bought it yesterday for $1.50 from Salvation
Army. Other good books on the subject are, The Catalog of the Universe
by Paul Murdin and David Allen and Timothy Ferris’s book, Galaxies. So
far I have collected over 100 books on astronomy. I highly recommend
the Time Life series because Earth has a temperature graph. The
average temperature on Earth is 32 degreed Fahrenheit. During all the
past geologic ages when all the coal, oil and limestone were made with
UV light the average temperature on Earth was 50 to 60 degrees. During
the carboniferous it was up to 80 degrees. This means that Earth is in
an Ice Age an has been in an Ice Age for three million years.
I am concerned with objects that can change the climate on earth for
the simple reason we should become conscious enough to do something
about a threat to our own existence. Its called ‘consciousness’. God
gave us a brain and if we refuse to use it he will be really pissed!

I highly recommend my 350-page book, COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES because it
deals with our ‘local group’. It details the stellar explosion that
put Earth in the Ice Age cycle three million years ago.

We live in a cluster of about a hundred stars and some of them are not
from this galaxy. Galaxies eat each other. They were swapped in during
one of ten or more ancient galactic collisions. Their elements are
different than our Sun. We do have brother and sister stars to our sun
that have the same elements. Some of them are the Big Dipper stars
about 50 to 75 light years to the North.

The center of our star cluster is ruled by two giant, two-solar mass
stars, Sirius 8.5 light years and Procyon 10.4 light years to the
south. These stars are entirely different than our Sun because they
have different elements. They were swapped in from some where else.
Also, they each have white dwarfs that put out hundreds of times more
ultraviolet light than our sun. Sirius B used to be a 6-solar mass
star before it shrank down to an object the size of the earth that
puts out over 100 times more UV than our Sun and now has 1.5 solar
masses. This is the only near by object that could have pierced early
Earth’s 1450 PSI atmosphere to get plants growing “on the surface of
the waters” 700-million years ago. Read all about it in COSMOLOGICAL

Additional UV light to Earth makes the plants grow well. So does
incoming dust and water from space. Larger objects containing ice and
other elements falling into our sun make it burn hotter thereby
throwing more wood on the fire of the GW religion. It is like throwing
fuel pellets in a fire.

Due to space and time constraints I can only impart a little
information in these forums. Please red the book. It will be released
in a few weeks. COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES would make a great Christmas
present. My web site also has books on John McCain, Sarah Palin,
Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Please vote responsibly so that we can
maintain a profitable lifestyle. It might help to read a book
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