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First post: Group FAQ [Oct 2020]

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Greg Ercolano

Oct 9, 2020, 7:22:18 PM10/9/20
to optical-printing
First post!

Starting this group so that optical printer camera operators/lineup people/engineers, company owners, (former or current) can trade useful information about optical printing.

Created initially for customers of my Optical Printer Control Systems (OPCS) software so they can intercommunicate, I thought I'd open it up to all optical printer folks, as the subject matter of printing is fast becoming the way of the dinosaur, and it's harder to find information.

Topics may stray from discussions on techniques for using various printer setups (software, hardware, maintenance), to sales of printers/parts, film stocks used for printing, special effects techniques, recommendations for reading material related to optical printing.

Rules for posting:
  • Keep the content 'professional' and 'helpful'
    I reserve the right to edit or remove messages based on content. Don't worry too much, I do have a sense of humor.
    I won't intervene unless I feel I have to.

  • Avoid posting large binary file attachments (no larger than 1 megabyte)
    Instead, put such files on github (if code), google drive (if movies, large PDFs etc), or other internet based locations, and post a link to that. Exceptions can be made if there's good reasons; contact me via and I can advise.

  • All posts and their content will become public domain.
    Do not post confidential material. If you need to send confidential information, email it directly instead of posting it to the group.

  • Off-topic or inflammatory content may be edited or deleted entirely
    This group is moderated to keep things civil and on-topic.
    No politics, no religion. There are other groups for that stuff.

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