Federal Reserve Full Audit Now , the kids must run for office and stop the incompetence and corruption in DC

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Jun 22, 2009, 6:17:25 PM6/22/09
to Opinions
In my opinion, the root of the problem is the Federal Reserve, since
Greenspan and now with Bernanke and Kohn, these neocons have only one
goal : to keep America addicted to imported oil and gas and with the
Middle East as reserve of last resource ( Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE,
Kuwait ,etc. ) and with only one strategic partner in the region
( Israel ) : these countries get all our money,all our weapons and
all our attention while they have never worked or pay taxes here in
the USA , and these neocons now include Rattner, Emanuel, Axelrod,
Summers, Geithner , Orszag, Bernstein ,Shapiro and Furman , among
others , and who are the ones who just put a Director of ExxonMobil as
chairman of G.M., mr.Whitacre, absurd !

ExxonMobil now uses Qatar for 35 to 70 % of its gas resources on any
given day , so we are stuck !

and the Fed is the one backing the new regulations where privately
traded derivatives still are un-regulated,so the " shenanigans " and
FINANCIAL DIRTY TRICKS WILL GO ON ....will the President agree to
that ?

That's why America must demand that Congress passes the Bill H.R. 1207
and S. 604 , http://thomas.loc.gov/home/thomas.html , from
Congressman Ron Paul , http://www.ronpaul.com/on-the-issues/audit-the-federal-reserve-hr-1207/
, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Paul , and that gives the Congress
the Authority to audit the Federal Reserve , because if there is no
fraud,abuse, theft and crimes, why not open the " books " of the last
30 years ?

President Obama and Vice-President Biden must remember that if they
don't also demand this full Federal Reserve Audit , they will get the
blame later for the neocons crimes.....as usual because these neocon's
friends control the Media in the USA, so they choose the scandals and
the news, and with Leibowitz ( confirmed) in charge of the FTC, they
will control even blog content, and with the http://www.bbg.gov/ run
by ( appointee? ) Isaacson, who at Time magazine pushed non stop for
the Iraq War, imagine the warmongering message from America to the
World, what a nightmare ! the worst neocon warmongering pack
controlling our Free Speech !

And as long as these political-military neocons also control the "
Federal Money Machine " , we will not get new battery technology, or
electric-hybrid E-85 plug-ins, or fuel-cells, or advanced solar, or
wind and wave, or geothermal energy , or the vital smart grids, or
much less rural broadband, we will only get more monopoly and more

and also because : a) Genachowski, the next FCC chairman is a member
of the Barry Diller-Rupert Murdoch-Sam Zell-Slim Helu-Haim Saban
neocon media group and key financial backers of Netanyahu , who was in
D.C. this week to secure his agenda and to link in person to the
neocon network in D.C.......so there will be less Free Speech, less
Net Neutrality, less choices in wireless, less rural broadband, less
wireless open markets applications and less U.S. Constitution and lots
more lobby's and exclusive deals , and that's why the D.C.
Establishment is so excited about it : they are planning a new
captive "Christian Palestine" right here in the USA , what a pack of
incompetent traitors !

b) the FCC must review choices for mobile phone payments, and with
Genachowski and McDowell , another darling at the FCC that already
sided with some cable monopolistic views , they will give away the
"fabricated monopoly" of mobile payments to their friends in the
Hedge-Fund world close to the above investors network, isn't
wonderful ?

c) the mobile phone payment system will become a virtual bank, broker,
middle man and adviser with huge power over selection of goods and
services , and here Genechowski and the new FCC leadership ( ??!!! )
will deliver the goods to friends and partners .....the only thing we
know for sure now is that all of them will be very rich after they
leave the FCC, that we know !

d) and they will say that the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency
has no say in all this, this is all between Genachowski,
Geithner,Bernanke and the Diller-Murdoch-Zell-Helu-Saban group, what a
wonderful exclusive deal !

Already we see how little work the Congress wants to do about the
"Stupid TV" Networks, which is brainwashing the kids in America and
using the "free-of -charge-to-the networks" taxpayers owned spectrum
airwaves to do it , already we see how menthol-tobacco is out of the
FDA regulation even when is the emphysema-cancer first source , how
little they really do against junk foods in and out of schools, just
look at the ding-a-ling trucks loaded with junk foods waiting outside
schools to take away every dollar from the kids in exchange for sugary
and junk loaded foods, and no one is doing anything ! we see the
pattern, we see the lobby's waiting for the staff of the elected
officials, we see how even the key staff in some "Leaders" offices are
neocons of the AIPAC lobby and controlling the access ,messages and
the news that reach these politicians, we see the corruption and the
manipulations !

To America's Youth : Kids, run for office !!!! run in local elections,
in Town, County and State elections, run !!!! because if we don't get
a new spirit in D.C., we will lose this great country.

I would like to ask again P.Obama and VP.Biden when are they going to
get all these neocons out of their Administration and the White House,
when ? .....because again, they will blame P.Obama and VP.Biden for
this mess and others in the spring of 2010, like G.M. not having the
Volt ready ( it will never happen , it's all a lie ) , like still not
having young crews manufacturing and learning to install solar , wind
and geothermal systems, nothing !!! ...As many are saying, even the
Pentagon can't even get synthetic fuels going for their own military
fleets !

and all this will make them, P.Obama and VP.Biden , look like losers
for the elections, so when are they going to see the backstabbing
ahead ? when ? the first step is to audit the Federal Reserve.

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