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Henry Kroll

Dec 11, 2010, 1:37:37 PM12/11/10
My name is Henry Kroll.
I was on blog Talk Radion Ohio exopolotics last night talking about a book I wrote ten years ago to clean up the government or at least make them away and remind them of the atosities they have inflicted on us. I have not been trying to sell this book but now may be the time.
The First Admendment of the Constotution of the United States is: Freedom of speach, freedom of religion and, the Right to petitioin the government for redress of greviance. That's what this book is.


The FROG IS COOKED is a real CONSTITUTION PETITION FOR REDRESS OF GREVIANCE. I didn’t know what to do with the book for years when I was writing it. I just felt compelled to get all these things down so that people can read them. After a while it started to come together. I tried to bring out all phases of emotion from incredulity, fear, hate, passion etc to motivate the reader. The reason I put in the sentence about outlawing the name of Jesus Christ forever and exchanging it with Satin was to arouse the Christian Right to get off their duffs and do something. It has chapters on genetically modified foods to dumb us down. It has articles and chemical analysis on chemtrils. It explains how the Federal Reserve can collect the prime interest on your home loans, car loans etc and gives it to rich people in Europe. The book can be ordered from "Exlibris" or or or
I want everybody who reads it to send their used copy to their Senators and Congressmen because it is a CONSTITUTIONAL PETITION FOR REDRESS OF GREVIANCE. They have to clean up Washington or we are all doomed. At the end of the book I put a form with Washington DC address to copy and send in to Washington. If that wasn’t enough to motivate them I included Sherry Jackson Peel’s speech. Listn to my radio intervies free any time. go to:
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