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vscode plugin for operator-sdk

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Abhishek Koserwal

Mar 4, 2020, 3:53:34 AM3/4/20
to operator-framework-sdk-dev

I started working on an operator-sdk plugin for vs code. Still work in progress, I am for looking for some initial feedback & involvement.

Thank you,

Abhishek Koserwal

Mar 5, 2020, 5:13:12 AM3/5/20
to operator-framework-sdk-dev

Daniel Messer

Mar 5, 2020, 9:02:21 AM3/5/20
to Abhishek Koserwal, operator-framework-sdk-dev
This is really great. Love the initiative and the initial feature set. If anything, I think I would tune the visual feedback on some of these actions a little bit towards being more expressive or noticeable:

- when we create a new project it seems to take a couple of seconds, maybe we could show the terminal output to see the progress?
- when we create openAPI spec, we could jump to the generated section
- when we generate a new kind, we could jump to the go type 
- print deps output may be better suited for a new window instead of an overlay?
- the run command takes long and eventually errors, maybe better to open the terminal right away have the developer watch progress?

The thing that I would highlight is that specifically for `run` we are working on enabling that to be happening with OLM, see the proposal and the current CLI implementation which is about to be revamped.

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Daniel Messer

He / Him / His

Product Manager OpenShift

Red Hat GmbH

Wankelstrasse 5

70563 Stuttgart   

Camila Macedo

Mar 9, 2020, 11:49:39 AM3/9/20
to Daniel Messer, Abhishek Koserwal, operator-framework-sdk-dev
Hi @Abhishek,

I understand that you have been mapping the SDK commands for the short-cuts in the IDE.
So, shows for me that you are doing a from/to in the commands with fixed values which do not allow the user, for example, create a new API with the group, and version and Kind as they wish. 
Am I right? 

I have no knowledge in VScode, however, would not be easier and better if the plugin just calls the SDK binary in the IDE and allow the user to pass its args only. For example:

- To create a new project the user will write : new <projectName>. E.g new my-operator
- To create a new API the user will write: add api --api-version=<api/version> --kind=<KindName>. E.g add api --kind=Memcached

Then, you could show in the IDE the examples and help which is output by the ci tool via --help as well. Also, it would allow the plugin to have all features. 

Also, would be possible show in the IDE the CLI output in order to allow the user to knows what was done or not when the command is successfully executed as when it faces an issue?





RED HAT Operator framework

Red Hat UK

IM: cmacedo

Abhishek Koserwal

Mar 9, 2020, 1:48:55 PM3/9/20
to Camila Macedo, Daniel Messer, operator-framework-sdk-dev
Thanks for suggestions & feedback:  

@Camila, thank you

"commands with fixed values which do not allow the user, for example, create a new API with the group, and version and Kind"
> They are dynamic.

 SDK binary in the IDE
> it's like default way of triggering any command in vs code for any plugin, once you start typing operator-sdk, 
it will show all the supported commands and you can choose from the available options. Keeping the name to "SDK" might be a conflict with another plugin.

"would be possible show in the IDE the CLI"
> That can be possible. 

if you haven't seen this demo please check:

@Daneil, thank you for your suggestions

I will be working on them and try to improve based on your feedback.

Abhishek Koserwal
Software Engineer
R&D Solutions Engineering
Red Hat  (Pune, India)

The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice -- Brian Herbert
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