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Call for Contributors - Operator SDK!

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Varsha Prasad Narsing

Jun 20, 2024, 1:28:33 PM6/20/24
to Operator Framework, operator-framework-sdk-dev

Hello all,

First of all, thank you for being a vital part of the Operator Framework community!

Many of you may already be aware that the Operator SDK has not been receiving as much attention as it deserves recently. As one of the most widely used projects and popular tools for writing operators, Operator SDK has significantly eased the lives of many Operator developers. We understand that some of you may be frustrated and disappointed with the slow response times, and for that, we sincerely apologize. This is not the experience we intended to provide.

The project is currently in a mature state with multiple plugins, a robust testing framework, and an easier entry point to Operator Lifecycle Manager, making it still highly beneficial and useful to the community. To ensure its continued success and growth, we would like to invite members of the community who are ready to contribute and help us in carrying on the legacy of building and improving this tool. We believe that with your support, this project can continue to make a significant impact.

The maintainers of the project would be happy to help and assist with anything to the extent possible in our available time. To get started, we have extensive documentation available on how to begin writing operators: Operator SDK Documentation.

For new contributors, there are some good first issues: Good First Issues.

For more seasoned developers, there are numerous open issues that need attention: Open Issues.

Additionally, here is a meta issue to track blockers for the upcoming release: Release Blockers.

We would greatly appreciate any help and would be delighted if anyone could lend us a hand in maintaining the project.

Thank you for your continued support and contributions to the Operator Framework community!

Varsha Prasad on behalf of Steering Committee
Operator Framework

Varsha Prasad
Senior Software Engineer
Operator Framework, Openshift
Red Hat Inc. 
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