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Documentation website work

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Austin Macdonald

Mar 23, 2020, 12:34:00 PM3/23/20
to operator-framework-sdk-dev
We are working to build a documentation website that will replace the in-tree github rendered docs.

The initial bootstrapping is in place, docs are temporarily viewable at Additionally, all PRs now include a netlify preview build.
[Important] Please do not merge new docs changes to doc/ unless it is important. If changes must be made, please make them in both doc/ and website/content/en/docs/. We have an additional check in place to help make sure this works.

The docs in website/content/en/docs now need to be organized by section. This work can be done in parallel, so please pick up an issue if you are comfortable.

Additional Info
  • The link checker is currently disabled for docs in the website/ dir while content is moved around. A hugo friendly link checker will be added and links fixed after this phase.
  • search will be disabled until the docs are hosted in the final location and we enable indexing

Daniel Messer

Mar 26, 2020, 8:56:40 AM3/26/20
to Austin Macdonald, Austin Macdonald, operator-framework-sdk-dev
@Austin Macdonald can we get a section around general workflow? E.g. generate a project, add APIs, generate deep copy, generate CSV, build bundle and then deploy Operator? It overlaps a bit with CLI unless this would be just a pure CLI reference.

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Daniel Messer

He / Him / His

Product Manager OpenShift

Red Hat GmbH

Wankelstrasse 5

70563 Stuttgart   

Austin Macdonald

Mar 26, 2020, 9:58:31 AM3/26/20
to Daniel Messer, operator-framework-sdk-dev
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 8:56 AM Daniel Messer <> wrote:
@Austin Macdonald can we get a section around general workflow? E.g. generate a project, add APIs, generate deep copy, generate CSV, build bundle and then deploy Operator? It overlaps a bit with CLI unless this would be just a pure CLI reference.

IMO, CLI section should just be a pure reference area. "generate a project, add APIs" belongs in the quickstart for each type. Does "Generate CSG, bundle and deploy" make sense as a top-level guide, or should that also be separated by type?

Daniel Messer

Mar 30, 2020, 8:11:52 AM3/30/20
to Austin Macdonald, operator-framework-sdk-dev
I think a general "concepts" section could include something like this

- running/testing your Operator locally
- publishing your Operator into a catalog
- updating your Operator
- ...

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