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Serving Catalog Content via GraphQL Discussion

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Bryce Palmer

Jan 9, 2023, 3:39:34 PM1/9/23
to operator-framework-olm-dev
Hello OLM Developers,

Tomorrow (Tuesday 01/10/2023) from 11 - 11:30am EST we'll be having a discussion about serving catalog contents via GraphQL and how it could be used in potential future package delivery methods for OLM V1.

Meeting Link:
Meeting Password: 77777
Meeting Time: 11-11:30am EST

To get a better understanding of the inspiration for exploring new package delivery methods and new methods to serve catalog contents, I recommend reading:

Other Resources:
I look forward to seeing you there!
- Bryce Palmer

Anik Bhattacharjee

Jan 9, 2023, 3:45:55 PM1/9/23
to Bryce Palmer, operator-framework-olm-dev
Just to add a little bit more color, we've been having discussions about new cluster package delivery mechanisms for OLM V1 here Joe brought a few more talking points besides the graphQL suggestion, Bryce not sure if it's too late to extend the time to an hour to tie up some of those discussions after your demo if there's no objections from the attendees? 

Anik Bhattacharjee

Software Engineer - Openshift

Red Hat

300 A Street

Boston, MA 02210

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Bryce Palmer

Jan 9, 2023, 3:52:56 PM1/9/23
to Anik Bhattacharjee, operator-framework-olm-dev
If there are no objections from attendees to extend the meeting I imagine that is fine. I have another meeting at 11:30 but can see about rescheduling in case it ends up going over the 30 minute mark.

Bryce Palmer

Software Engineer, Operator SDK

Red Hat   

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