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OLM v1 CatalogSource design meeting

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Anik Bhattacharjee

Jan 12, 2023, 10:07:09 AM1/12/23
to operator-framework-olm-dev
Hey folks,

In case you haven't seen this already, we've been discussing different design options for how we'd like to implement CatalogSource (on-cluster operator packages delivery mechanism) in OLM v1 for the past couple of months here

Tomorrow(Friday 01/13/2023) from 9:00 - 10:30 am EST we'll be getting on a call together to discuss the various problems we're trying to solve for OLM v1 wrt package delivery on cluster, and the different solutions proposed along with their pros and cons. If you'd like to join in on this "open forum bring all your questions/concerns/suggestions and ideas" discussion, please review the design doc linked above and join us in the following location: 

Meeting Link:
Meeting Password: 77777
Meeting Time: 9:00-10:30am EST (01/13/23) 

Anik Bhattacharjee

Software Engineer - Openshift

Red Hat

300 A Street

Boston, MA 02210

Anik Bhattacharjee

Jan 13, 2023, 2:52:05 PM1/13/23
to operator-framework-olm-dev
PFA the pdf version of the miro board used in today's meeting, and here are the links to the prototypes we have so far:

We'll also include these in the youtube upload, and I've taken it as an action item to port over the miro board to a more accessible location so that anyone with the link can get involved and contribute ideas on it. I'll send the link here when it's available. 

Have a great weekend everyone :) 

Anik Bhattacharjee

Software Engineer - Openshift

Red Hat

300 A Street

Boston, MA 02210

OLM V1 CatalogSource arch diagrams.pdf

Anik Bhattacharjee

Jan 16, 2023, 1:29:53 PM1/16/23
to operator-framework-olm-dev
Meeting recording upload is up on youtube for those who couldn't make it on Friday early morning.

Thank you to those who did jump in on such short notice :), we'll try to give a little bit more of a heads up for the next meetings :) 

Have a great week folks :) 

Anik Bhattacharjee

Software Engineer - Openshift

Red Hat

300 A Street

Boston, MA 02210

Anik Bhattacharjee

Mar 23, 2023, 2:03:47 PM3/23/23
to operator-framework-olm-dev
Hey folks, 

We'll be meeting again tomorrow, to discuss some progress made in the design and implementation of v1 CatalogSource architecture, and have the initial discussion in integrating the progress with the progress made in deppy/operator-controller, to create a end to end first pass prototype of olm v1. 

Please join us in the following time/location: 

Meeting Link:
Meeting Password: 77777
Meeting Time: Friday 9:00-10:00am EST (03/24/23) 

Anik Bhattacharjee

Software Engineer - Openshift

Red Hat

300 A Street

Boston, MA 02210

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