'Almost' all plugins cause the operapluginwrapper to run at ~90% CPU
usage on my system. That said:
nphelix.so @ news.bbc.co.uk plays and the controls are present (and
seem to kinda work)
Note: Used mplayerplug-in-3.45.tar- test qt and mpeg files at
mplayerplug-in-qt.so (the --enable-x version) plays, but it gives a
warning about the toolkit being used.
mplayerplug-in-qt.so (the default build), plays and the controls seem
to 'work'.
mplayerplug-in-wmp.so (the default build, played and the controls
seemed to 'work'
gecko-mediaplayer-qt.so -- didn't play the quicktime video. Pretty
much locked up my system. Had to kill operapluginwrapper.
gecko-mediaplayer.so -- didn't play the mpeg video. Pretty much locked
up my system. Had to kill operapluginwrapper.
npppdf.so - you're kidding right! No one in there right mind would use
this piece of crap.
Tested flash at www.adobe.com (they have a flash ad at the top of the
libflashplayer.so (alpha 9.0.r60) - nothing/squat
libflashplayer.so (9.0.r48) - displayed the flash ad
mozplugger-1.7.3 - played the mpeg file at the plugger testing ground,
couldn't get to play the quicktime video. It played a quicktime viedo
at www.apple.com/trailers. NO excessive CPU usage for the
operapluginwrapper process.
gxineplugin.so - played the mpeg file at plugger testing ground, no
excessive usage. The plugin couldn't play the quicktime movie. Tried
www.apple.com/trailers/, gxine wouldn't play it. (Cpuld be how I
compiled gxine and xine-lib)
libvlcplugin.so - the mpeg file caused a segfault of
operapluginwrapper -- decided to stop testing this plugin.
Clearly more work is needed, but mplayerplug-in (the default) looks
promising IF the excessive CPU usage issue can be resolved/fixed.