The OpenWorm Kickstarter has launched!

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Giovanni Idili

Apr 22, 2014, 2:42:05 PM4/22/14
Hi all - as you're probably aware the OpenWorm Kickstarter has launched last Saturday and it's now live, here's the link to the campaign page if you haven't seen it yet. We also made available translations in Spanish, Italian and Russian - so that we can extend our reach to a wider audience.

We are off to a good start with an exciting 14% raised in the first 3 days, with no significant media exposure yet during the campaign. Getting media attention will consolidate our position towards reaching the goal by the 19th of May, and we are hard at work trying to get some organic coverage.

As OpenWorm community members, if you wanna see this initiative succeed now is the time to do what's in your power to get the word out through your personal networks and get other people involved! One easy way to help is to share the link to the campaign clicking here and here.

It's gonna be an exciting 27 days!


Giovanni Idili

P.S. attached some inspiring art from the campaign by Matteo Farinella :)
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