OpenWorm goes KickStarter!

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Stephen Larson

Apr 8, 2014, 1:17:33 PM4/8/14
to openworm-discuss,


The OpenWorm core team is happy to announce that OpenWorm is going Kickstarter!  We’re excited that 83% of survey respondents said they’d be willing to consider pledging to an OpenWorm crowdfunding campaign, and 94% saying they’d be willing to consider helping promote it.  Our choice of KickStarter specifically is based a clear signal by 41% of survey respondents choosing KickStarter over IndieGoGo, the next highest at 21%.

We will be conducting ten days of media promotion starting today drumming the Kickstarter up on the OpenWorm channels and we are planning to launch on the 19th of April.

To kick everything off on April 19th, we’re having a launch party in the form of an On Air Google+ Hangout and a chat room and everybody’s invited.  If you are going to pledge, it’s important to do it as soon as the campaign launches, to raise the campaign profile on Kickstarter.  If we get enough early pledges we stand a much better chance to get featured on Kickstarter, raising our chances to hit our goal.  Please sign up on the launch party invite to be part of this!

Regardless of pledging, the most effective and concrete way each of us have to support the OpenWorm is to share the campaign on our personal social networks and get people excited.


- Stephen

Project coordinator
"Talk is cheap, show me the code" - L. Torvalds

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