Google Hangout Issue

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Alli Haaggis Love

May 23, 2014, 6:54:33 AM5/23/14
I'm new around here and just finished watching the google hangout meeting on youtube from the 7th of May.
If you guys still have an issue with google hangouts I have a workaround that may be useful.
Tinychat :- Is an online chatroom that allows an unlimited number of people into the room.
There is a cap on the number of people that can be cammed up at once though. (I think it's 8people)
But this could be used as follows.
1. Create a private room like (password protected)
2. Everyone logs in for the meeting
3. We use a system that you only cam up when you have something to say (or are asked to talk)
This allows everyone into the room, allows everyone to talk the only difference is when you are not speaking you cam down.
The next issue is obviously recording the meeting and getting it on youtube. (This is the only real awkward bit for someone).
1. Download OBS (open broadcaster software)
2. Set it to record to a file instead of uploading to twitch etc.
3. Select the area of your screen to record / the window you want to record.
This file can then be passed to the admin of the youtube channel or the person that records most meetings is given access to the youtube channel to upload.
Depending on when the meetings occur i'd be more than happy to record them if i am available. (I'm from Scotland so... GMT)
I know it's different and some people might not really like it but it's as simple as 30 people logging into a chatroom and hitting the camup button when they have something to say.
The only awkward part is for the person recording to make sure they hit record and make sure they are recording the right window.
I've used this stuff quite a lot for livestreaming of games etc and i've got an expensive rig.
I also have experience in VAC (Virtual Audio Cable) which is how audio is set up for recording meetings... (There's a specific way you need to set the audio to record to make it include your own mic as the sound coming into your speakers)
I'm more than happy to teach anyone else how to set this up if that is the route you guys want to go down. (takes an hour to get your head around it and then you are fine)
Hope this helps
Alli Love.

Stephen Larson

May 29, 2014, 11:42:49 AM5/29/14
to openworm-discuss
Hi Alli,

   Thanks so much for this suggestion!  Do you know what the max number of simultaneous users on TinyChat is?  I've seen it go up to 12, can there be more?

    The other idea that you point out here is doing a screen grab -- if so we could use the 15 max limit that is provided with Google Apps-based hangouts and do a screen grab there instead of TinyChat -- although that doesn't enable the live streaming it does enable the archive.


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Alli Haaggis Love

May 30, 2014, 3:39:43 PM5/30/14

I just had a quick look and there was a room that had 10 people on cam.

But there was 31 people in the room in total.


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