how to create various gesture in wonderland.....

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taranjeet singh

Feb 24, 2011, 11:43:46 PM2/24/11
to Open Wonderland Forum

i have tried my hands on making animation and various action on
blender and
worked with them by jmonkey ...... bt i want to know how to create
this gesture for wonderland.

i imported mesh.xml file from blender to jmonkey.....

but not able to figure out how to upload more gesture in wonderland
other than existing.....

i want to control the npc and its gesture using script by sending
commands from socket.....

please help me ASAP..

Thanks in advance

taranjeet singh

Feb 26, 2011, 12:29:41 AM2/26/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
It seems that nobody have tried to add new gesture in

I m still waiting for reply .....

need help....


Jonathan Kaplan

Feb 28, 2011, 12:52:34 AM2/28/11
to, taranjeet singh
I believe you are right, that no one has added new gestures to Wonderland.  The current gestures are defined in Maya, and exported through the ColladaMaya exporter.  You can see the default Maya skeleton and a sample animation here:

Once you create your animation, I think you put the .dae file in the avatarbaseart module here:

Then you need to modify the avatar code to load your new animation here:

I doubt this process would work through other paths like Blender, since the generated Collada is likely to be quite different. I guess you could give it a try to see if you can at least make the new animation show up on the gestures menu.

Josmas Flores

Feb 28, 2011, 3:30:51 AM2/28/11
If the animation is added in the same way as the existing ones, it
should automatically show up in the gestures menu as it is being
created dynamically from the animations list.


taranjeet singh

Mar 1, 2011, 1:05:32 PM3/1/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
I went through your links Jonathan

Please tell me how to deploy avatars trunk in wonderland
if i don't use avatars trunk, i am still getting all the gesture from
wonderland source trunk, then why i need to add avatars trunk.....

I want to find out, how this gesture commonly applies to all the
avatars in wonderland source trunk.

Actually i created one more gesture on MAYA and try to replace it
with ...WALK.dae and placed in wonderland trunk avatar animation
folder and then i built again.....but nothing happen...Avatar still
walking as previously....

On Feb 28, 3:30 am, Josmas Flores <> wrote:
> If the animation is added in the same way as the existing ones, it
> should automatically show up in the gestures menu as it is being
> created dynamically from the animations list.
> cheers,
> Jos
> On 28 February 2011 05:52, Jonathan Kaplan <> wrote:
> > I believe you are right, that no one has added new gestures to Wonderland.
> >  The current gestures are defined in Maya, and exported through the
> > ColladaMaya exporter.  You can see the default Maya skeleton and a sample
> > animation here:
> >
> > Once you create your animation, I think you put the .dae file in the
> > avatarbaseart module here:
> >
> > Then you need to modify the avatar code to load your new animation here:
> >
> > I doubt this process would work through other paths like Blender, since the
> > generated Collada is likely to be quite different. I guess you could give it
> > a try to see if you can at least make the new animation show up on the
> > gestures menu.
> > On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 9:29 PM, taranjeet singh <>

Jonathan Kaplan

Mar 1, 2011, 1:38:03 PM3/1/11
to, taranjeet singh
Starting by replacing an existing animation is a good test. With the Wonderland server running, I think the steps would be to replace one of the files in the avatarbaseart directory, for example:


Then deploy the avatarbaseart project using "ant deploy" in the avatarbaseart/ directory. When you log in and choose "clap" from the list of gestures, I would expect the new gesture to run. If that doesn't work, you may need to clear your cache using the "advanced" button on the Wonderland login window.

Once you have a replacement gesture working, you can add a new one as described previously. After making the changes in the openwonderland-avatars project, do an "ant jar" in the avatars/ directory, which will create avatars/dist/avatars.jar.  Copy avatars.jar to wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/lib/, then do an "ant deploy" in the avatarbase directory to deploy the updated avatars module.

taranjeet singh

Mar 1, 2011, 2:58:09 PM3/1/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
I tried to interchange the animation names i.e. clap<=>cheer.dae
then i remove all the jar files from avatarbaseart dist folder and
module dist folder
then i restarted my system and and after that deleted .wonderland
and .wonderland-server folder

I built the wonderland after all this using ant run-server
added new high fidelity avatar and opened gesture panel and
experimented with clap and cheer animation and it works as before, no
change due to interchange of names.

is i am missing smthing in built process....

On Mar 1, 1:38 pm, Jonathan Kaplan <> wrote:
> Starting by replacing an existing animation is a good test. With the
> Wonderland server running, I think the steps would be to replace one of the
> files in the avatarbaseart directory, for example:
> wonderland/modules/world/avatarbaseart/art/assets/models/collada/Animations /MaleBodyAnimations/Male_Anim_Clap.dae
> Then deploy the avatarbaseart project using "ant deploy" in the
> avatarbaseart/ directory. When you log in and choose "clap" from the list of
> gestures, I would expect the new gesture to run. If that doesn't work, you
> may need to clear your cache using the "advanced" button on the Wonderland
> login window.
> Once you have a replacement gesture working, you can add a new one as
> described previously. After making the changes in the openwonderland-avatars
> project, do an "ant jar" in the avatars/ directory, which will create
> avatars/dist/avatars.jar.  Copy avatars.jar to
> wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/lib/, then do an "ant deploy" in the
> avatarbase directory to deploy the updated avatars module.

Ric Moore

Mar 3, 2011, 8:12:32 PM3/3/11
On Tue, 2011-03-01 at 10:38 -0800, Jonathan Kaplan wrote:
> Starting by replacing an existing animation is a good test. With the
> Wonderland server running, I think the steps would be to replace one
> of the files in the avatarbaseart directory, for example:

Anything to note about file permissions / ownership for the OP?? Jus'
wondering. Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

Jonathan Kaplan

Mar 9, 2011, 5:31:47 PM3/9/11
to, taranjeet singh
I finally had a few minutes to look into this, and I found the same results as you: make changes in the avatarbaseart module does not seem to have an effect in Wonderland. I looked in the client cache, and verified that the animations are never downloaded.

I looked around a bit more, and now I have a new theory on where the animations come from: they are baked into the binary skeleton files in avatars.jar:

Running "strings" on these files shows that the animations are in fact contained in the files in an encoded form.  So how did they get there?  It appears there is a utility for creating these binary skeleton files:

So my new theory is that you need to:

1. add an animation in the avatars source
2. update the SkeletonOven with the path to your new animation
3. run SkeletonOven to generate the and files
4. modify the AvatarContext source to include your new animation
5. run "ant jar" to build avatars.jar
6. copy avatars.jar into the wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/lib directory
7. deploy the avatarbase module

At that point, I think you will start seeing the new animation. If that path actually works, I think it needs to be re-written at some point so that the animations are downloaded from the cache and not baked into the skeletons, so they can be added or modified at run-time. But for now it may be a viable path to add animations at compile time.

taranjeet singh

Mar 21, 2011, 2:58:45 PM3/21/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
hi jonathan

i tried to add new animation....for gesture ...i tried to open
animation dae file in Maya student version
what i found there is no skin or texture or skeleten but a bunch of
all jumbled mesh......why they created animation like that.....
in jme loading and running animation is much much easier......

also tried to open the .dae files in blander, but it fail to import
the files

On Mar 9, 6:31 pm, Jonathan Kaplan <> wrote:
> I finally had a few minutes to look into this, and I found the same results
> as you: make changes in the avatarbaseart module does not seem to have an
> effect in Wonderland. I looked in the client cache, and verified that the
> animations are never downloaded.
> I looked around a bit more, and now I have a new theory on where the
> animations come from: they are baked into the binary skeleton files in
> avatars.jar:
> Running "strings" on these files shows that the animations are in fact
> contained in the files in an encoded form.  So how did they get there?  It
> appears there is a utility for creating these binary skeleton files:
> So my new theory is that you need to:
> 1. add an animation in the avatars source
> 2. update the SkeletonOven with the path to your new animation
> 3. run SkeletonOven to generate the and files
> 4. modify the AvatarContext source to include your new animation
> 5. run "ant jar" to build avatars.jar
> 6. copy avatars.jar into the wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/lib
> directory
> 7. deploy the avatarbase module
> At that point, I think you will start seeing the new animation. If that path
> actually works, I think it needs to be re-written at some point so that the
> animations are downloaded from the cache and not baked into the skeletons,
> so they can be added or modified at run-time. But for now it may be a viable
> path to add animations at compile time.

Jonathan Kaplan

Mar 21, 2011, 4:53:37 PM3/21/11
to, taranjeet singh
I don't know about opening the .dae files in Maya, but you should definitely be able to open the Maya files:

taranjeet singh

Mar 24, 2011, 5:58:51 PM3/24/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
I tried what you told......
but i did little same....

1) i again interchange animation name as clap<=>cheer.dae
2) i bake animations by running SkeletonOven which created .bs files
3) i compliled again the avatar.jar and place into the wonderland/
modules/world/avatarbase/lib directory
4) i compiled again wonderland.jar and then run that jar.....

But no effect on animations......they are still same.

any new findings,,,,,

On Mar 9, 6:31 pm, Jonathan Kaplan <> wrote:
> I finally had a few minutes to look into this, and I found the same results
> as you: make changes in the avatarbaseart module does not seem to have an
> effect in Wonderland. I looked in the client cache, and verified that the
> animations are never downloaded.
> I looked around a bit more, and now I have a new theory on where the
> animations come from: they are baked into the binary skeleton files in
> avatars.jar:
> Running "strings" on these files shows that the animations are in fact
> contained in the files in an encoded form.  So how did they get there?  It
> appears there is a utility for creating these binary skeleton files:
> So my new theory is that you need to:
> 1. add an animation in the avatars source
> 2. update the SkeletonOven with the path to your new animation
> 3. run SkeletonOven to generate the and files
> 4. modify the AvatarContext source to include your new animation
> 5. run "ant jar" to build avatars.jar
> 6. copy avatars.jar into the wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/lib
> directory
> 7. deploy the avatarbase module
> At that point, I think you will start seeing the new animation. If that path
> actually works, I think it needs to be re-written at some point so that the
> animations are downloaded from the cache and not baked into the skeletons,
> so they can be added or modified at run-time. But for now it may be a viable
> path to add animations at compile time.

taranjeet singh

Mar 24, 2011, 6:18:12 PM3/24/11
to Open Wonderland Forum

Now i tried to check validity of .bs files -- "If no .bs file in
directory will it still run animation"
1) i deleted the .bs files from wonderland-avatar
2) then i built the avatars.jar from wonderland-avatar
3)I copied avatars.jar into the wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/
4) built again wonderland.jar

this time also nothing happen.....
all the animation in gestureHUD are working as it is.......


On Mar 9, 6:31 pm, Jonathan Kaplan <> wrote:
> I finally had a few minutes to look into this, and I found the same results
> as you: make changes in the avatarbaseart module does not seem to have an
> effect in Wonderland. I looked in the client cache, and verified that the
> animations are never downloaded.
> I looked around a bit more, and now I have a new theory on where the
> animations come from: they are baked into the binary skeleton files in
> avatars.jar:
> Running "strings" on these files shows that the animations are in fact
> contained in the files in an encoded form.  So how did they get there?  It
> appears there is a utility for creating these binary skeleton files:
> So my new theory is that you need to:
> 1. add an animation in the avatars source
> 2. update the SkeletonOven with the path to your new animation
> 3. run SkeletonOven to generate the and files
> 4. modify the AvatarContext source to include your new animation
> 5. run "ant jar" to build avatars.jar
> 6. copy avatars.jar into the wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/lib
> directory
> 7. deploy the avatarbase module
> At that point, I think you will start seeing the new animation. If that path
> actually works, I think it needs to be re-written at some point so that the
> animations are downloaded from the cache and not baked into the skeletons,
> so they can be added or modified at run-time. But for now it may be a viable
> path to add animations at compile time.

taranjeet singh

Mar 29, 2011, 2:18:40 PM3/29/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
its very confusing.....
I am trying to reverse engineering the gesture creature.....
This time i deleted a lot.....

I deleted following things
1) Avatar.jar from C:\taranjeet\wonderland\src\wonderland\modules\world
2) All the animation (.dae) files from C:\taranjeet\wonderland\src
3) All the user directory (.winderland and .wonderland-server)

And then i created wonderland.jar......and starting everything
fresh....but still it running all the animation fine......

any thoughts..?
Did any one tried making gesture /...?

On Mar 24, 6:18 pm, taranjeet singh <> wrote:
> hi,
> > > added new high fidelity avatar and openedgesturepanel and
> > > experimented with clap and cheer animation and  it works as before, no
> > > change due to interchange of names.
> > > is i am missing smthing in built process....
> > > On Mar 1, 1:38 pm, Jonathan Kaplan <> wrote:
> > > > Starting by replacing an existing animation is a good test. With the
> > > > Wonderland server running, I think the steps would be to replace one of
> > > the
> > > > files in the avatarbaseart directory, for example:
> > > wonderland/modules/world/avatarbaseart/art/assets/models/collada/Animations
> > > /MaleBodyAnimations/Male_Anim_Clap.dae
> > > > Then deploy the avatarbaseart project using "ant deploy" in the
> > > > avatarbaseart/ directory. When you log in and choose "clap" from the list
> > > of
> > > > gestures, I would expect the newgestureto run. If that doesn't work,
> > > you
> > > > may need to clear your cache using the "advanced" button on the
> > > Wonderland
> > > > login window.
> > > > Once you have a replacementgestureworking, you can add a new one as
> > > > described previously. After making the changes in the
> > > openwonderland-avatars
> > > > project, do an "ant jar" in the avatars/ directory, which will create
> > > > avatars/dist/avatars.jar.  Copy avatars.jar to
> > > > wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/lib/, then do an "ant deploy" in the
> > > > avatarbase directory to deploy the updated avatars module.
> > > > On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 10:05 AM, taranjeet singh <
> > > >wrote:
> > > > > I went through your links Jonathan
> > > > > Please tell me how to deploy avatars trunk in wonderland
> > > > > if i don't use avatars trunk, i am still getting all thegesturefrom
> > > > > wonderland source trunk, then why i need to add avatars trunk.....
> > > > > I want to find out, how thisgesturecommonly applies to all the
> > > > > avatars in wonderland source trunk.
> > > > > Actually i created one moregestureon MAYA and try to replace it
> > > > > > >> > thisgesturefor wonderland.
> > > > > > >> > i imported mesh.xml file from blender to jmonkey.....
> > > > > > >> > but not able to figure out how to upload moregesturein
> > > wonderland
> > > > > > >> > other than existing.....
> > > > > > >> > i want to control the npc and itsgestureusing script by

Jonathan Kaplan

Mar 29, 2011, 4:18:14 PM3/29/11
I did the following:

1. in the openwonderland-avatars project, I edited the Male_Anim_Yes.dae and edited the line:

<visual_scene id="VisualSceneNode" name="Male_Yes">

To change the name from Male_Yes to Male_No. Then I did the same with Male_Anim_No.dae.

2. I then ran the SkeletonOven with this command:

java -cp build/classes:../mtgame/dist/mtgame.jar:../wonderland/core/ext/jme20/target/jme.jar:../wonderland/core/ext/jme20/target/jme-collada.jar:lib/javolution.jar:lib/jbullet.jar imi.utils.preprocess.SkeletonOven -all

3. I then did "ant jar" in openwonderland-avatars, and copied dist/avatars.jar to ../wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/lib

4. Finally, I rebuilt and deployed the avatars module. 

After all that, the yes and no animations were reversed. The lessons were that the animation name embedded in the file is what is important (not the filename), and to make sure to use the "-all" option to SkeletonOven.

taranjeet singh

Apr 7, 2011, 2:42:17 PM4/7/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
hi jonathan,

I tried what you instructed for interchanging the yes and no gesture

its not working for me.

i ran SkeletonOven from netbean and it created new .bs files also


On Mar 29, 4:18 pm, Jonathan Kaplan <> wrote:
> I did the following:
> 1. in the openwonderland-avatars project, I edited the Male_Anim_Yes.dae and
> edited the line:
> <visual_scene id="VisualSceneNode" name="Male_Yes">
> To change the name from Male_Yes to Male_No. Then I did the same with
> Male_Anim_No.dae.
> 2. I then ran the SkeletonOven with this command:
> java -cp
> build/classes:../mtgame/dist/mtgame.jar:../wonderland/core/ext/jme20/target /jme.jar:../wonderland/core/ext/jme20/target/jme-collada.jar:lib/javolution .jar:lib/jbullet.jar
> imi.utils.preprocess.SkeletonOven -all
> 3. I then did "ant jar" in openwonderland-avatars, and copied
> dist/avatars.jar to ../wonderland/modules/world/avatarbase/lib
> 4. Finally, I rebuilt and deployed the avatars module.
> After all that, the yes and no animations were reversed. The lessons were
> that the animation name embedded in the file is what is important (not the
> filename), and to make sure to use the "-all" option to SkeletonOven.

taranjeet singh

Apr 7, 2011, 3:30:54 PM4/7/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
hi jonethan,

Now its working as you said.....

I was actually selected female avatar, but made modification in

so now i need to make changes in the existing gesture or create new

> ...
> read more »

taranjeet singh

Apr 11, 2011, 5:43:20 PM4/11/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
Hi Jonathan,

I tried to run new gesture in wonderland and successfully run that as
follow (i used existing un-deployed gesture in wonderland svn)

1) I used the existing un-deployed gesture known as "Jump" from this

2) then i added another genericAnimation in
configureDefaultActionStateInfo method of AvatarContext class

3) built avatar.jar and copy avatars.jar into the wonderland/modules/
world/avatarbase/lib directory

4) i made the modification in gestureHUD here (/modules/world/

5)completely built wonderland again...

and thats it worked...

Now i have to create new gesture in maya and deploy it
in ....wonderland

> ...
> read more »

Jonathan Kaplan

Apr 14, 2011, 1:59:55 AM4/14/11
to, taranjeet singh
Thanks for keeping us posted! If you manage to get the whole process working, it would be great if you could add a page to the community wiki documenting how to get avatar animations all the way from Maya into Wonderland.

taranjeet singh

May 4, 2011, 12:17:58 AM5/4/11
to Open Wonderland Forum
Hi Jonathan,

So i created some new gesture in OWL,
I wrote process of doing it also
and sent you file in email
let me know if we can make its wiki page.

Thanks for support

On Apr 14, 1:59 am, Jonathan Kaplan <> wrote:
> Thanks for keeping us posted! If you manage to get the whole process
> working, it would be great if you could add a page to the community wiki
> documenting how to get avatar animations all the way from Maya into
> Wonderland.
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 2:43 PM, taranjeet singh <>wrote:
> > Hi Jonathan,
> > I tried to run new gesture in wonderland and successfully run that as
> > follow (i used existing un-deployed gesture in wonderland svn)
> > 1) I used the existing un-deployed gesture known as "Jump" from this
> > directory
> >
> > 2) then i added another genericAnimation in
> > configureDefaultActionStateInfo method of AvatarContext class
> >
> ...
> read more »

Jonathan Kaplan

May 6, 2011, 12:34:21 PM5/6/11

Thanks for sending this document!  This should definitely be part of the community wiki. You should be able to create a new page by just going to the page you want and selecting "create it". For example, if you want to name the page "AddingNewAvatarAnimations", use the URL:

If you add the content there, I will update the part that has an outstanding question, and add a link from the main documentation page.

oscar xiao

Mar 20, 2016, 2:44:01 AM3/20/16
to Open Wonderland Forum
Dear Jonathan,
        You have no idea what you have done. This is really helpful.(
<visual_scene id="VisualSceneNode" name="Male_Yes">)Thank you so much for writing down those details.
        Best wishes,
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