Info for join notebook to openwisp and zerotier

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Michele Salerno

May 16, 2024, 6:09:58 PM5/16/24

I have OpenWisp with zerotier, the routers connect without any problems.

I also want to connect to the network from my notebook when I am not connected to a router with openwisp.

How can I create a tunnel from my notebook with Linux as well?


Best regards,


Gagan Deep (pandafy)

May 17, 2024, 11:12:42 AM5/17/24
to OpenWISP

Hello Michele, 

By default, the ZeroTier configuration generated by OpenWISP flags the network as "private". This ensures that only authorised peers can join the network. OpenWISP automatically authorises managed devices using ZeroTier One API. For devices (i.e. Linux machine) that are not managed by OpenWISP, you will need to manually approve each peer that joins the ZeroTier network. 

Here's a small guide on how you can connect your Linux machine to the ZeroTier network managed by OpenWISP: 
  1. Get the ZeroTier network ID from the VPN details page on OpenWISP admin 
    Screenshot from 2024-05-17 15-46-55.png
  2. Install ZeroTier on your Linux machine 
  3. Join the ZeroTier network using zerotier-cli
    zerotier-cli join <network-id> 
  4. Using the script below, authorise the Linux machine to connect to your ZeroTier network. 

    You can retrieve the HOST, WEBHOOK_AUTHTOKEN and NETWORK_ID from the OpenWISP admin page of the ZeroTier VPN. 

    Screenshot from 2024-05-17 20-26-31.jpg

    The NODE_ID for your Linux machine can be retrieved by running zerotier-cli info command on your Linux machine. The output will contain 
    200 info <node-id> 1.14.0 ONLINE

    Run this script on the VM where ZeroTier One is installed (typically the OpenWISP VM). 
    # The hostname that you used in the OpenWISP for the ZeroTier.
    # If the hostname field includes a port, you need to add that too.
    # The "Webhook AuthToken" that is present in the OpenWISP for the ZeroTier.
    # The network ID which retrieved earlier for joining the network
    # The node ID for you Linux machine.
    # You can retrieve this using the command "zerotier-cli info" on
    # you Linux machine.

    curl -X POST "http://$HOST/controller/network/${NETWORK_ID}/member/${NODE_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"authorized": true}'
If you run into any problems, let us know. 

Gagan Deep

Michele Salerno

Aug 8, 2024, 4:16:42 PM8/8/24

Hi, I can do the join but on the notebook I don't get the IP assigned.
How do I do that?
Best regards.


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Federico Capoano

Aug 9, 2024, 8:01:55 AM8/9/24
Hi Michele,

If you're joining your laptop to a ZeroTier network but not receiving an IP address, here are some suggestions based on common issues reported by users:
  1. Authorization of Members: Ensure that your device is authorized on the ZeroTier network. IP addresses are not assigned to devices until they are authorized. Check the ZeroTier Central web interface to confirm that your device appears as online and is authorized to join the network.
  2. Check IP Assignment Pool: Verify that the IPv4 Auto-Assign pool on your ZeroTier network is not full. If the pool is exhausted (for example, if it only allows a limited number of IP assignments), new devices will not receive an IP address. You may need to expand the pool or remove some existing assignments.
  3. Managed Routes and IP Configuration: Double-check your ZeroTier Central settings for any typos or misconfigurations in the Managed IPs or Managed Routes. If there are inconsistencies, it can prevent IP assignment.
  4. Service Status: Make sure the ZeroTier service is running correctly on your laptop. Sometimes, restarting the ZeroTier service can resolve issues with IP assignment. You can do this using the following commands:
    sudo systemctl restart zerotier-one
  5. Manual IP Assignment: If automatic assignment fails, consider manually assigning an IP address to your ZeroTier interface. You can do this using the ZeroTier CLI:
    zerotier-cli set <network-id> allowmanaged=0
    Then, manually configure the IP address on your system.
  6. Network Configuration: Ensure that your laptop's network configuration allows for ZeroTier connections. Sometimes firewall settings or network policies can block ZeroTier traffic.

If you follow these steps and still encounter issues, consider checking the ZeroTier community forums for further assistance or troubleshooting specific to your setup.

Best regards
Federico Capoano

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