WPA2 Enterprise

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Jul 11, 2024, 9:43:11 AMJul 11
to OpenWISP
Hi all, I'm new on openWisp and I'm trying to configure the WPA2
Enterprise authentication. I have configured the wireless interfaces in
openwisp and all seems to be correctly applied to the openwrt device
except that shared key and radius server are blank on openwrt device
configuration. Reading the openwrt logs I can find

Thu Jul 11 15:18:37 2024 daemon.err hostapd: Invalid IEEE 802.1X
configuration (no EAP authenticator configured).
Thu Jul 11 15:18:37 2024 daemon.err hostapd: 1 errors found in
configuration file '<inline>'

and I think that means that the authenticator info are missed... Please
where I wrong?


Federico Capoano

Jul 12, 2024, 9:34:03 AMJul 12
to open...@googlegroups.com
It MAY be due to the fact WPA Enterprise configuration settings in OpenWrt have changed in the last versions.
These changes are not released yet, so you would need to use the development version to try this.
However, I am not 100% this is the problem here.
So further debugging is needed on your end, you can try to generate the configuration through the OpenWrt Luci Web Interface first and see if you get it working, then compare the config with the one generated by OpenWISP to see if they're different (probably). 

I hope this helps.

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