Re: Project Idea: Adding support for automatic management of ZeroTier Tunnels

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Federico Capoano

Apr 19, 2022, 9:42:34 AM4/19/22
to SANKALP, OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Hi Sankalp,

I think ideally the best UX would be to allow the user to specify this in the configuration of the VPN, but if not specified the system could create it, provided that the user token is provided, we could use the "Webhook AuthToken" and "Webhook Endpoint" fields for specifying the API endpoint and the token, which now we use for wireguard.

Best regards
Federico Capoano

On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 7:38 AM SANKALP <> wrote:
Hi everyone, I was creating the prototype for the automatic management of ZeroTier Tunnels project.
I have one question related to creation of ZeroTier Tunnels network:
While creating the vpn server for ZeroTier from openwisp-controller dashboard, should network be automatically created from user token (i.e. calling ZeroTier Rest API to create a network config or id) or user will enter the detail manually (user will enter the network id and configuration)?

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