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Project idea: Improve netjsongraph.js for its new release

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Vaishnav Nair

Mar 17, 2022, 11:59:21 AM3/17/22
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Hello everyone,
Myself Vaishnav Nair. I would like to inform everyone that I'm interested in Improve netjsongraph.js for its new release project for GSoC. I've started exploring netjsongraph.js repo and related repositories such as OpenWISP Network Topology and OpenWISP Monitoring. I would appreciate any advice you could provide me.

Thank you

Federico Capoano

Mar 21, 2022, 3:14:35 PM3/21/22
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
I suggest you to keep training in several issues of OpenWISP to continue improving your understanding of the system.

At the same time, you can start exploring the code of mesh-viewer and the 2019 branch of netjsongraph to find out what is the possible course of action to create a version of netjsongraph that looks more like mesh-viewer and it's implemented similarly and without the quirks of the 2019 branch of netjsongraph. Then you could start working on a prototype with some very basic features.

Best regards
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