Recap of suggestions for GSoC applications

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Federico Capoano

Apr 18, 2022, 10:20:00 AM4/18/22
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Dear all,

there's not much time left and I wanted to recap all the suggestions I have been giving here.

You can't expect that a proposal which just lists the deliverables that are described in the project idea to be acceptable.

That is definitely not acceptable. You need to research each deliverable and provide an explanation, in your own words, of how that task can be solved/implemented.
You need to link prototypes but in each deliverable, not just link and say here's the code. No, that's not good. Try to make headings for each deliverable and expand it.
You need to demonstrate you have understood what needs to be done and provide realistic steps which can be done to deliver/implement/solve the tasks at hand.

If you built a prototype, make sure to include the instructions on how to run it in the README, the prototype should contain very basic functionality (of course you cannot implement everything in such a short time) but that doesn't mean it's just code which is not supposed to be run, we need to be able to run it and make sure it works as intended, so please also clarify in your README what the prototype is able to do.

Make sure to reference the relevant prototype parts from each deliverable in your application, do not just link the prototype, mention its parts and its features in the deliverables when applicable.

The goal fo the application is to show you understand the problems and have put effort into thinking how they can be solved.

Good luck!
Best regards
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