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[GSoC'21] OpenWRT OpenWISP Monitoring

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Kapil Bansal

May 21, 2021, 2:16:04 PM5/21/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Greetings of the day,
This thread will be used for tracking weekly progress of OpenWRT OpenWISP Monitoring Package

May 18 - 21,2020:

List of tasks I have worked on:
Task I will be working on next week:
  • Currently I don't have any modem interface (interface with proto as modemmanager) and I am not able to test it. Will try to find a solution soon.
Kapil Bansal

Federico Capoano

May 22, 2021, 5:16:40 PM5/22/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Regarding this issue:

On Friday, May 21, 2021 at 1:16:04 PM UTC-5 wrote:
  • Currently I don't have any modem interface (interface with proto as modemmanager) and I am not able to test it. Will try to find a solution soon.

We'll help you out with that,  for the moment I suggest to look for good options for mocking calls in lua, so we can mock any call to OpenWRT libraries (we can give you the output samples for cases like this one).


Kapil Bansal

May 28, 2021, 2:32:49 PM5/28/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Greetings of the day,

May 24 - 28,2021

List of tasks I have worked on:
Tasks I will be working on next week:
  • There are no blockers currently in my way
Kapil Bansal

Kapil Bansal

Jun 4, 2021, 1:51:08 PM6/4/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Greetings of the day,
May 31 - June 4,2021
List of tasks I have worked on:
List of tasks I may look into next week:
Kapil Bansal

Federico Capoano

Jun 6, 2021, 7:43:11 PM6/6/21
to Kapil Bansal, OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Great progress Kapil!
Let's focus on getting the build running, compiling and generating the packages, that will make it easier for everyone to test it.
Then we can tackle lua code cleanup, qa checks and tests. 


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Kapil Bansal

Jun 11, 2021, 1:45:23 PM6/11/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Greetings of the day,

June 7 - June 11,2021

 List of tasks I have worked on:
List of tasks I willl be looking into next week:
  • [tests] Write Lua Tests
    • Will search for best approach to do the task. As suggested on Gitter, I will try to go through other libraries and see how they approach the same situation Wrna 
  • Search for ways to upload artifacts directly to Google Cloud

Thanks and Regards,
Kapil Bansal

Kapil Bansal

Jun 18, 2021, 2:54:35 PM6/18/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Greetings of the day,

June 14 - June 18,2021

List of tasks I have worked on:
    • Created table structure in a file for mocking output and loading it for tests. I found all mocking libraries doing something similar behind the scenes.
List of tasks I will be looking into next week:
Thanks and Regards,
Kapil Bansal

Kapil Bansal

Jun 25, 2021, 2:50:23 PM6/25/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
June 21 - June 25,2021
List of tasks I have worked on:
    • Added some tests for wifi and fixed some old ones.
    • Started working on netjson-monitoring tests.
List of tasks I will be looking into next week:
  • [tests] Write Lua Tests - Complete tests for netjson monitoring.
  • Will make changes in other opened PRs if asked/needed.
Thanks and Regards
Kapil Bansal

Kapil Bansal

Jul 2, 2021, 3:19:33 PM7/2/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Junu 28 - July 2,2021

Greetings of the day,
I am still stuck in Lua Tests and trying to get it ready for review.
This week too, I will work on it and get it done.

Already asked for output samples on Gitter and some doubts regarding modules in Lua Community.

Thanks and Regards,
Kapil Bansal

Federico Capoano

Jul 4, 2021, 8:53:08 PM7/4/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
I have spent some time today testing and reviewing your work Kapil, you should have enough pointers to move forward.
Please give priority to getting the PRs with splitting lua code and tests / QA checks ready for merge next week.

Best regards

Kapil Bansal

Jul 9, 2021, 4:53:29 PM7/9/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
July 5 - July 9,2021
List of tasks I have worked on:
    • Added missing tests for modem manager, wifi and interfaces. Will mark it for review after double check.
List of tasks I will be looking into next week:
There are no blockers as of now.

Thanks and Regards
Kapil Bansal

Kapil Bansal

Jul 16, 2021, 4:02:45 PM7/16/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Greetings of the day,

July 12 - July 16,2021

List of tasks I have worked on:
Tasks I will be working on next week:

Thanks and Regards
Kapil Bansal

Kapil Bansal

Jul 23, 2021, 3:41:30 PM7/23/21
to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
Greetings of the day,

July 19 - July 24,2021

List of tasks I have worked on:
    • Improve debugging messages
    • Tested the package and refactored the code
PRs open for review:
    Tasks I will be working on next week:
    • Making changes in PRs opened for review
      Thanks and Regards
      Kapil Bansal

      Kapil Bansal

      Jul 30, 2021, 4:45:52 PM7/30/21
      to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
      Greetings of the day,

      July 26- July 30,2021

      List of tasks I have worked on:
      Tasks I will be working on next week:
      Will test this feature (storing data temporarily and sending it) , fixing and error that arises.

      Thanks and Regards,
      Kapil Bansal

      Kapil Bansal

      Aug 6, 2021, 2:17:01 PM8/6/21
      to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
      Greetings of the day,

      August 2 - August 6,2021

      List of tasks I have worked on:
      Fixed the problems that were found in these PRs and tests them locally as well as on staging server.

      Tasks I will be working on next week:
        • Will refactor for main function now. As help function is of low priority.
      Thanks and Regards,
      Kapil Bansal

      Kapil Bansal

      Aug 13, 2021, 4:36:02 PM8/13/21
      to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
      Greetings of the day,

      August 9 - August 13,2021

      List of tasks I have worked on:
      Opened new issues and updated the project board to ensure every note/bug/enhancement found is listed.

      Tasks I will be working on next week:
      • Making changes in opened PRs if asked/needed.

      Thanks and Regards,
      Kapil Bansal

      Kapil Bansal

      Aug 20, 2021, 4:27:37 PM8/20/21
      to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
      Greetings of the day,

      August 9 - August 13,2021

      List of tasks I have worked on:
      What's Next:

      Although GSOC is going to end now, but I will continue working on left issues/PRs.

      Tasks I will be working on:
      • Complete the blog
      • Making changes in opened PRs if asked/needed.
        • Will be done after PR related to storing and collecting data is merged.

      Thanks and Regards,
      Kapil Bansal

      Kapil Bansal

      Sep 2, 2021, 12:14:24 PM9/2/21
      to OpenWISP Google Summer of Code
      Greetings everyone 👋,

      I recently published my GSoC 2021  blog:
      Do give it a read.

      Thanks and Regards
      Kapil Bansal
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