OWB call June 8th Agenda + CDXJ draft specification

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Kristinn Sigurðsson

Jun 6, 2016, 7:29:57 AM6/6/16
to openway...@googlegroups.com
Dear all,

Below is the agenda for the OWB call scheduled for June 8th (Wednesday) at 15:00 UTC (17:00 Paris, 16:00 London, 11:00 Washington, 08:00 San Francisco).

1. Review actions from the last call.

2. CDXJ specification for OpenWayback 3.0.0. A draft version is available here: https://iipc.github.io/warc-specifications/specifications/cdx-format/openwayback-cdxj/

3. AOB


A few words about the CDXJ draft document.

It is based on discussion during the OWB call April 27 plus some additional implementations concerns from JEH. It is not final and may change both due to implementation requirements and additional input.

The choice to include the digest and record type 'outside' the json block was due to their utility in answering certain type of queries (like get all response records for a URI). Not having to decode the JSON block to answer common queries (especially queries that are likely to touch a lot of records) seems advantageous.

You can provide feedback on the draft either here, during the next call or by opening an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/iipc/warc-specifications/labels/openwayback-cdxj-format (please use the 'openwayback-cdxj-format' label).

This specification will not be made 'final' until OWB 3.0.0 is ready.

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