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Open Vsp Mesh Geometry/ import-export in to Catia or Star ccm

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Deveesan Ganeswaran

Apr 8, 2024, 1:39:06 PM4/8/24
to OpenVSP
Hi there, 
I am an aerospace student currently working on a conceptual design for a supersonic Airliner with a group of three members. We have designed a model in OpenVSP. But the problem is that every time we export and import the geometry into Catia or Star CCM, there are errors. We even have some errors in Mesh geometry in OpenVSP Aero, which states Mesh Geometry is open. How do I identify the opening in the model? Please can you look into the model and let me know? 

Kind Regards 
Deveesan Ganeswaran
Final Design 2 .vsp3

Grant Hiller

Apr 8, 2024, 9:08:58 PM4/8/24
to OpenVSP
You have a gap between the vertical tail and the fuselage. It's visible if you turn on shading. Translating it in the -Z will fix your issue.

You may also want to check your wing airfoils as the thickness at the wing root compared to the tip doesn't look right.




Apr 9, 2024, 11:21:40 AM4/9/24
to OpenVSP
I have sent a new form message regarding the same situation but with the corrections that you mentioned. I didn't know you could reply to these already existing ones. Could you please have a look?
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