Twist applied to paraglider wing using the two wing configurations below and included in the alf.vsp3 Only Cambered Surfaces shown for comparison. The aim is to apply 4.5 degree positive twist linearly along the span around the 33.3 % chord which is currently impossible even with sections.
WingGeom_Normal_Twist - Twist not applied correctly with sections. Problem - Twist is applied before anhedral is applied
WingGeom_Modify_Twist - Twist applied in modified section with theta but can only be done around the leading edge and not a specified % of chord.
Future Request
1. Have the choice to apply twist after dihedral or anhedral is applied
2. Have the choice to rotate airfoil to the average of the current and next dihedral in the sections and not just the end of the current section dihedral.
3. In the modify section provide capability to twist around a specified % of the chord.
Thanks for the great program and making it available ! Its amazing and looking forward to all the upgrades coming.