Larry Page & Sergey Brin hopefully getting enough sunlight and vegetables?

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Paul D. Fernhout

Jun 23, 2012, 8:17:16 AM6/23/12
to, OpenVirgle
Larry Page's recent (hopefully minor) health issues (loss of voice) are
currently in the news, and Sergey Brin's has previously expressed
published concerns about Parkinson's disease.

I can wonder if, like so many indoor-types people in the technology
field, those two hard working guys are both at risk from sunlight
(vitamin D3) deficiency and vegetable deficiency disease? Or possibly
some other nutritional issues (omega 3 deficiency, iodine deficiency,
etc.) that can be caused by "The Pleasure Trap" and easy access to
"Supernormal Stimuli"? (Both the names of good books BTW related to 20th
and 21st-century health challenges.)

I still feel Google has a lot it could do to live up to its
post-scarcity potential. And, I feel Google is more likely to do so if
these two guys (as well as Eric Schmidt) have lots of energy and great
health. So, here are some health links I have put together which I hope
could help these guys or anyone still reading this list; I've collected
them in a few places, but I'll put a copy of them below. These ones I
put as a comment to my entry here:

BTW, It's sad to hear about the discontinuing of "Google Health" as an

I hope Google is still active in health sensemaking in general,
nonetheless. But even if not, I could not have put together so many
pieces of the health puzzle together for myself, family, and friends
without using Google... So, thanks for all the good health via good
search results, Google! See also: :-)
"Dilbert on the Google Health Plan"

And, in general, it would be useful for Project Virgle (or OpenVirgle)
to have a good understanding of human health, because bad health on the
space frontier is probably even harder to deal with then bad health on

== Excerpted from my comment here:

... By the way, here are some key useful health related links, and these
are some of the issues I'd like to use such a [health sensemaking]
system to discuss, refine, rebut, or promote.

On healthy diet (likely mostly based around vegetables, fruits, and
beans and some other whole foods):

Knife and blender skills for eating better:

On medically supervised fasting (both water and juice) and health:

[Added to the list just now for Google-ites:
Scientific Studies Show Angioplasty and Stent Placement is Essentially
Lack of DHA linked to Parkinsons

And on getting enough vitamin D (in decreasing levels of recommended

On vitamin D and pregnancy:

On autism and health care in general:

And the same for overcoming Multiple Sclerosis (MS) with improved
nutrition and vitamin D and avoiding junk:

Understanding about good and bad fats:

Omega-3 fats in particular are important for lots of reasons:

Iodine can be an issue too sometimes (involved in preventing infection
and eliminating cancer):

Mental health:

Treadmill workstations for computer users (but be sure to get vitamin D
being indoors so much):

Community level ideas for health:

Sadly this is how the USA feels about the health of its craftspeople,
artists, and so on:

As the book "Where There Is No Doctor" points out, substantial
peer-to-peer health advice is needed both in the underdeveloped and
overdeveloped world:

So, we need to look out for each other in places where there is no
health care such as for many tens of millions of people in the USA. Here
is an example of people having to line up in places usually reserved for
livestock (a state fairground) to get a bit of medical care in Oklahoma
from volunteers:

So, even if medical care is just inaccessible for millions in the USA,
and maybe billions globally, we can at least help people make sense of
the information that might prevent, say, 70% of medical problems through
things like better nutrition or healthier lifestyle choices.

While a SmartPhone may never be as good as a real doctor, it can at
least help you stay healthier through providing high quality information
which has been developed and refined collectively. And a billion of
today's Android SmartPhones will no doubt be discarded in a couple years
for something better, and could go to people around the globe full of
information about health care. Someday a SmartPhone may even help with
medical testing, too, and such tests might also be developed by open
source methods and the results might be organized and crowdsourced
through a collective Sensemaking system, integrating real test results
with other discussions:

Naturally, the bigger and more personalized such a system gets, the more
there are privacy issues. And the more we might want desktop or
peer-to-peer software where people can collect personal information
locally and decide how much they want to share with others to be part of
a collective sensemaking process.

So, we are just beginning to see what is possible with applying
technology collectively to the problems of health. This proposal is just
one more step in that direction. I can hope the [ideas] in it are at
least useful to others.

--Paul Fernhout
The biggest challenge of the 21st century is the irony of technologies
of abundance in the hands of those thinking in terms of scarcity.

Hassan Yate

Jun 23, 2012, 3:41:51 PM6/23/12
I wouldn't be surprised even though I imagine you're theory may appear absurd to some. I do however think that Larry Page getting out and about may give him enough Sun exposure. From what I know fifteen minutes a day is enough and you're cloths can actually act as a good form of sun screen which doesn't stop UV getting through!

I can get obsessed with my Vitamin D intake, especially as we go through gloomy months in the winter period here in the UK. I used to take it to extremes by going out on colder days and laying down on a bench trying to expose a little of my skin, like my legs and arms to the sky! I now feel that making sure I am outside once a day for at least half an hour is both good for stretching and getting fresh air, and hopefully helps towards the sun getting to my skin, even through cloud and cloths. I am however also convinced that theories on seasonal depressive disorder, and my best attempts at observing others' moods and health appearance in the low sun months, says to me that there is so much potential to improve ourselves by tackling this issue better. While a good step would be educating more people with the brilliant information you have listed below, I do think a sure way of raising awareness is by getting health institutions to heavily test for deficiency in the coming winter for example, and pro-actively work off of the results if it is indeed a problem. I was pleased to find a Vitamin D tester through one of your links so I'd like to be able to get one shipped here to the UK. I will also be asking my local medical practice which is part of the UK National Health Service if they can perform such a test.

Thank you again for a great post and I hope Larry Page gets better. Sometimes I feel like imparting my health practises to him in case he finds them useful. They are along the lines of hybridising a vegetarian, vegan and raw food diet, reducing alcohol, chocolate and coffee intake when I feel their getting to me, roughly bi-weekly random short exercise bursts, occasional standing at computer work desk approach and self massage/paid massage as well as constantly trying to improve my breathing ability.

fenn lipkowitz

Jun 25, 2012, 1:31:45 PM6/25/12
to Paul D. Fernhout,
hey paul, glad to see you're still writing novels in the guise of email.

i notice you mention terry wahls, whose strategy of "eat 3 full plates of
leafy vegetables a day" works for her, but i think it's unlikely we're
going to get most americans to change their diet so radically. i think her
diet works because it addresses the root cause of mineral deficiency, in
particular magnesium deficiency, which has increased to affect a majority
of the american populace in the last hundred years with the advent of
phosphate fertilizers, purified tap water, and factory-made bread.

i've done quite a lot of reading on topics of nutrition and mental health
over the last year. adequate protein, fish oil, and vitamin D are
important, but i believe magnesium is even more important to overall
health, and less well known. i'm currently scanning in "the magnesium
factor" by mildred seelig which contains a wealth of insight into the role
this underappreciated nutrient plays in stress/anxiety, diabetes, and
heart disease.

here's a pretty good summary: (please ignore the homeopathy references)

fortunately, it's possible to supplement magnesium, either in the form of
mineral waters (make your own: 1 liter seltzer water + 2 tablespoons milk
of magnesia = 1,000 mg of bioavailable magnesium), as salt substitutes (1
part dead sea salt to 1 part rock salt), amino acid chelates such as
manufactured by albion, or transdermal salt solutions. some drugs such as
aspirin will also prevent the loss of magnesium as a beneficial side

much of my information comes from (another paul),
the USDA food database, the weston price foundation,
and personal experiments.

cheers and regards,
- fenn
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Jun 24, 2012, 9:23:08 AM6/24/12
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Jun 26, 2012, 6:18:06 AM6/26/12
to, Fenn Lipkowitz
Thanks for the Magnesium info Fenn. I'm going to obsess over this for the next few days.

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