Multi-vehicle to multi location routing

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Kevin He

Nov 22, 2023, 12:33:22 AM11/22/23
to OpenTripPlanner Users

We are evaluating the API for on-demand buses that have variable routes each day. Could you provide us the following information?


Does it support these features:

  • Multi-vehicle to multi location routing? Which API method?
  • Real-time route modification of existing routes, including adding, add more stop points, and updating? Which API method?
  • What's the frequency of continuous route optimization? Is it configurable?



  • How long does it take to route 2000 vehicles?
  • What's the maximum number of vehicle supported? How long does it take to route the max number of vehicles?
  • What's the maximum number of pick up and drop off points per route?


Use case:

Do you have a customer's use case of using the API in multi-vehicle to multi-location routing environment? How many vehicles does the customer have?

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