Get Plan response in Spanish

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David Bravo

Mar 27, 2022, 10:14:35 AM3/27/22
to OpenTripPlanner Developers
Hi guys,

I'm using OTP 2.1.0 and I'm trying to get all the trip planning in Spanish, when I use the test planner (the one that is deployed when i run the OTP jar for testing purposes) I get all the texts OK, but if I use the API, I always get the response in English, even if I put locale=es or locale=es-ES in the query params.

This is an example call:

http://localhost:8080/otp/routers/default/plan?fromPlace=4.68217, -74.12527::4.682165569381156,-74.12527084350587&toPlace=4.74477, -74.08970::4.74477214040444,-74.08970079675782&date=2022-03-26&time=18:32&arriveBy=false&mode=WALK,BUS&showIntermediateStops=true&maxWalkDistance=1207&optimize=QUICK&walkSpeed=1.34&ignoreRealtimeUpdates=false&numItineraries=3&otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty=900&batchId=5l5iwd2i3&locale=es

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
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