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Issue with creating a new provisional trip

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Valerio Marianelli

Apr 1, 2023, 7:29:15 PM4/1/23
to OpenTripPlanner Developers

Good evening everyone,

I'm having some issues creating an extraordinary provisional trip. Let me explain my use case better: 

there is a breakdown on my metro line and I want to create a new provisional bus trip with a new  provisional itinerary.

I tried to pass the data of the new provisional trip via GTFS-RT by connecting to OTP through the router configurations in router-config.json, but it seems that OTP is ignoring it.

Screenshot 2023-03-29 alle 23.27.25.png

Can you tell me if OTP allows the creation of a new trip or if there are APIs or configurations that could help me in my case?

Can anyone help me? 
Thank you very much

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