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Docker Documentation for offical image?

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Alexander Czech

Sep 12, 2022, 6:34:07 AM9/12/22
to OpenTripPlanner Developers
I found the "official?" otp2 docker image on docker hub ( but I can't find any documentation on it? The image got >2k downloads, so somebody seems to be using it. Am I missing something?

Leonard Ehrenfried

Sep 12, 2022, 12:15:09 PM9/12/22
to Opentripplanner Developers
The documentation is at 

The reason is that it's not in the main documentation yet, is that it's part of the unreleased version 2.2.

All the best.
  Leonard Ehrenfried

On Mon, 12 Sep 2022, at 11:57, 'Alexander Czech' via OpenTripPlanner Developers wrote:
I found the "official?" otp2 docker image on docker hub ( but I can't find any documentation on it? The image got >2k downloads, so somebody seems to be using it. Am I missing something?

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Alexander Czech

Nov 23, 2022, 9:28:19 AM11/23/22
to OpenTripPlanner Developers
Thank you!
I got another question is the dockerfile that is used to create this container hosted somewhere? I couldn't find it on github repo.


Leonard Ehrenfried

Nov 23, 2022, 11:06:52 AM11/23/22
to Opentripplanner Developers
We use a tool called jib to build the container. It uses neither docker nor a dockerfile but it does allow customization:

  Leonard Ehrenfried

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