Fare calculators for the Netherlands, NYC, Seattle and the Bay Area - is anyone using them?

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Leonard Ehrenfried

Jun 28, 2022, 6:27:36 AM6/28/22
to OTP Users, Opentripplanner Developers
Hi *,

As part of me implementing GTFS Fares V2 I'm also refactoring and modernizing the code of the existing fare calculators.

Some of them have quite complex rules and to migrate them would be some work. In order to not do that on calculators that nobody is using I'm wondering if there are OTP2 users for the following ones:

- NycFareServiceImpl
- SeattleFareServiceImpl
- SFBayFareServiceImpl
- DutchFareServiceImpl

If you are using them in OTP2 then please send a reply to this message. I will then put you down as the maintainer of the class and ask you to review and test the changes I make.

If I don't hear back from any users of these calculators I'm going to remove the unused ones.

All the best.
  Leonard Ehrenfried

Leonard Ehrenfried

Jul 15, 2022, 3:38:15 AM7/15/22
to OpenTripPlanner Developers
I've opened a pull request to remove these calculators: https://github.com/opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner/pull/4273

If you're using them then now is the chance to speak up!
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