green dots are not showing and bulk uploader is not starting

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Sep 14, 2018, 2:36:00 PM9/14/18
to opentreemap-user
Hi everyone,

i had followed the instructions on installing OTM on a 64-bit Ubunutu 14.04 machine and it is successfully running.
i was able to add user and map to OTM. All services seem to be running, ecosystem is able to calculate the benefits without problem. there were some issues with the installation before that i was able to troubleshoot.

there are only 2 problems now,

1) The green dots that represent the trees are not displaying.

-I am able to add the trees one at a time using the UI, but the dots are not displaying. All services are running in OTM. Looking at Console, there seems to be a problem with the tile with a 502 Bad gateway. I suspect OTM might have a problem with Tiler talking to the database or nginx.


2)      Bulk uploader and export are not working

-with the Bulk upload UI, I can go as far as selecting a CSV file and click Import and it will just stay in the loading icon forever and not going forward in the process. When I refresh the browser, it will add a new entry to the “Active tree Imports” with Status as “Not Yet Started” and nothing under View.

- Same thing with exporting anything, it will say “there was an error while generating your export, please try again later”. It seems that “Start_Import” is not starting


Justin Walgran

Sep 18, 2018, 3:06:35 PM9/18/18
The green dots that represent the trees are not displaying...there seems to be a problem with the tile with a 502 Bad gateway

502s usually mean that the tile service is not running. Can you confirm that the server.js process is running by checking the process list? Here is an example from my development setup:

$ ps aux | grep server.js
otm       1555  0.0  0.0   4444   644 ?        Ss   18:55   0:00 /bin/sh -e -c exec envdir /etc/otm.d/env node server.js 2>&1 | logger -t tiler /bin/sh

Bulk uploader and export are not working

Imports and exports are handled by Celery. Can you confirm that the celery service is running by checking the process list? Here is an example from my development setup:

$ ps aux | grep celery
celery    1972 42.3  5.3 426208 82360 ?        Ss   18:59   0:01 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/celery -A -b redis:// worker -l info
celery    1982  0.0  4.4 425432 68180 ?        S    18:59   0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/celery -A -b redis:// worker -l info

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Sep 19, 2018, 2:35:53 PM9/19/18
to opentreemap-user
Hi Justin,

this is what i see when i type in the two commands,

1) missing dots,

$ ps aux | grep server.js
root     14179 40.6  1.2 945668 47508 pts/0    Rsl+ 18:30   0:01 node server.js
ubuntu   14196  0.0  0.0  10468   944 pts/2    S+   18:30   0:00 grep --color=auto server.js

2) bulk uploader

$ ps aux | grep celery
ubuntu   14288  0.0  0.2  43860  9468 ?        Rs   18:31   0:00 python /usr/local/otm/app/opentreemap/ celeryd
ubuntu   14291  0.0  0.0  10468   932 pts/2    S+   18:31   0:00 grep --color=auto celery




Nov 2, 2018, 7:31:50 PM11/2/18
to opentreemap-user
i managed to get the greens dots now.
however, the import and export is still not working..
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