Hello, I'm very new to OpenToonz and I'm a bit lost. I'm using a Surface so my drawing tablet
is my computer, and usually on my drawing software I can use my fingers to move the canvas, zoom in, zoom out, rotate it etc. while my stylus can draw. I haven't found a way to do it on OpenToonz because if I use my fingers, it just draws as if they were my stylus, I have to use the moving tool which is really annoying and unpractical. I refuse to believe this is the only way to move your canvas.
Since my computer is my tablet, I have only one device and I often work in places that are not a desk. That makes it complicated for me to use keyboard shortcuts or a mouse, that's why I'm looking for something that works a similar way to my drawing program, where I can do everything with my hands / stylus.
Please tell me that it's possible ;-; Thanks in advance.