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It does not open

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Wika Klimczak

Mar 24, 2024, 1:18:43 PM3/24/24
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Hi. Opentoonz won't start for me. First, it told me to download a new version. When I downloaded it, it only loaded and a window opened with a crash and it was not responding, it stayed that way or crashed. I turned the computer on and off and installed it several times, but it didn't help, and I have a good Internet connection. What should I do?


May 2, 2024, 12:47:36 AM5/2/24
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Hi, apologies for the delayed response.
It is likely that you got a bad install.

Assuming you have a SRV directory at C:\Program Files\Opentoonz\   if you rename the t32bitsrv.exe file then the problem will likely be resolved.
Assuming that is in fact the problem it is likely the issue is with a 64bit DLL in the main Opentoonz program directory but you don't want to remove or rename that one.
the t32bitsrv.exe file is used for supporting the .MOV (apple quicktime) movie format which now is supporte through FFMPEG.
As such renaming or removing that file shouldn't effect other operations.
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