How to make current lines in a drawing to show on top of the previous lines?

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Apr 2, 2024, 5:42:35 AMApr 2
to OpenToonz Users Forum

Hello, I am working in Opentoonz 1.7 with the Raster sketch brush in a toonz raster level. I am making new drawings in blue in the same level drawings (level frames) as I did for the pink lines. However my blue lines are shown to be made UNDER the previous pink lines. I see no optional settings for the 'sketch brush' to have the new lines to be drawn "over all' as in the default 'no brush' settings. How can I get my current lines to go over the older ones?

스크린샷 2024-04-02 182939.png 


Apr 2, 2024, 8:38:44 AMApr 2
to OpenToonz Users Forum
This is a known issue with Toonz Raster levels and raster brushes. This is related to the brush using anti-aliasing. The only way to get around this is to use the standard brush, a standard raster layer or draw the lines on different columns.
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