Rendering to MP4 problem

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Randy Bowser

Sep 24, 2024, 2:31:40 PMSep 24
to OpenToonz Users Forum
I don't get it. Years ago I used OT, and I don't recall ever having a problem exporting a scene as an MP4. But this morning I've tried over and over for hours, reading instructions online and in that crazily convoluted user manual - Can't get anything but a clip of white screen. I do get an MP4, there's just nothing on it.

I've tweaked the output settings, MP4 is selected, I've highlighted all the columns for export - nada.

OK, don't worry about making me feel dumb. There HAS to be something simple I'm neglecting to do.


DC Cozy

Sep 25, 2024, 4:40:13 AMSep 25
to OpenToonz Users Forum

try reinstalling ffmpeg

Randy Bowser

Sep 25, 2024, 10:47:24 AMSep 25
to OpenToonz Users Forum
You guys are great! I really appreciate everyone taking the time to reply.

I installed FFmpeg right after re-installing OT. That's why I had the choice of MP4 in the Rendering output settings. So, that wasn't the problem.

BUT - I've figured this out: I was trying repeatedly with one scene I especially wanted to export. Turns out it had a screwed-up attempt at adding FX in the Schematic area. I was experimenting with FX for the first time  and balled it all up, I still don't get how to use the FX I want to try. And I don't know how to fix the problem I accidentally created. But the mistake I made there led the scene through a bogus dead-end output.

I've now exported other scenes with zero problems because none had my botched FX attempts screwing up the output.

So - setting aside FX for now, more pressing things to do. But wanted you to know what my problem was.

Thanks again!


Sep 25, 2024, 1:28:01 PMSep 25
to OpenToonz Users Forum
I'm pleased to hear you've got things working again.
If you wanted to figure out what was wrong with your fx, you can share an image of your fx schematic and we could take a look for you; either here or on the OpenToonz Discord server.

Randy Bowser

Sep 26, 2024, 4:58:46 PMSep 26
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Thanks, Darren   - I'm happy to report that the FX problem in that one scene file has been solved. So, for now, I'm doing fine.


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