I'm just a little confused. The animation looks good but in the level xsheet each frame has weird names.
I.e. in the xsheet it now shows 1,11,2,12,3,13,4,14, so on. Isnt the numbering supposed to be incrementing by 1? If not, why would this weird numbering be done this way?
Also the level strip shows the first ten frames and then the next ten frames. Shouldn't the levels all be in the order that my animation goes? Why does it not go in the order of my animation?
Level Strip is a set of drawings.
A column in Xsheet is just one arrangement of drawings.
So what I described is normal and expected behavior for the actions I described.
Tangentially related, in xsheet I noticed you can click somehow on a frame in a column and then get a textedit and type something in. Is this feature just so you can name the frame in the xsheet? Like a note or something to yourself?
Maybe you give a name for each key frame?
All things considered, the names of each thing explain what they are:
Animation Strip:
Alternately, you can select the drawings in your level editor and click 'renumber' in the right click menu. But that won't number according to x-sheet position. It's better suited for instances where you removed a frame and want to delete it.
This is the way i inbetween as well but i don't normally bother with renumbering unless its confusing me or i need the animation to loop