Mouth animation

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Piotr Mazurek

Feb 15, 2024, 1:05:37 PM2/15/24
to OpenToonz Users Forum
I have elements made in photoshop and exported as png.
Its 4 "mouths" i wanted to put them on ONE LEVEL (on the bacground of face :) and select from 1 of 4 drawings accordingly to the proper phonem.
Unfortunately OT stubbornely puts my png-s as new column (and new levels) with "Single frame" comment and there's no way to avoid it.
I tried to import .svg exported from Illustrator (before vectorized) but there's bugs and after import to OT elements looks bad. Some elements dissapears and stuff however in illustrator it reads back ok.
Any Idea?
Thank you in advanced for every help.


Feb 15, 2024, 1:14:51 PM2/15/24
to OpenToonz Users Forum
You have to name the drawings as OpenToonz expects:
image_0001.png, image_0002.png, etc

This video explains this and much more:

Piotr Mazurek

Feb 15, 2024, 1:25:35 PM2/15/24
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Thanks Friend! - to paraphrase your welcome line from tutorials :D

I've seen tons of films (also yours) but unfortunately not exactly THIS one :D

Big up for U! :D
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