Deleting control points??

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Philipp Stumpp

Aug 22, 2016, 9:19:50 AM8/22/16
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Hi there,

just a simple question but how can i delete control points? I've learned how to use the Tape tool to connect two open control points. I've learned how to add control points but how can i just DELETE one???

Maybe I'm too stupid for OT or maybe there is just one key i have to press or hold down while clicking on the control point I want to delete but nothing works :(

Maybe it's because I'm using a Mac??? I've seen it in many tutorials on YouTube. The people just click on a control point and BUMM, it's gone. Not working for me :(

Could you please help me?

Thanx for your time!!!



Aug 22, 2016, 12:09:56 PM8/22/16
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Hi Philipp,
This very likely is a difference between Win and Mac so we need a Mac user to confirm.
In the meantime I'll share my experience from the other side...

As you've already observed, on the Windows side a primary way to remove a Control Point (CP) is to select it and hit the Delete key on the keyboard.
Occasionally, it takes two selections to grab the CP; the first one to activate it and the second to actually select it.
Or to put it another way it seems that the first is to enter the edit mode and the second to select the CP.
You should be able to marque select or mouse drag the CPs and then hit the delete key as well.
For those that cannot or do not want to use they keyboard the CP can be deleted via the Edit menu after selecting the CPs.  Go to the Edit menu (at the top) and look for the Delete option.
(It'd be nice if there was a Right Click option to Cut or Delete but alas... that option isn't there upon Right Clicking)

All this is of course after selecting the Control Point Editor Tool (shortcut key C on Windows)

Greg Smith

Aug 22, 2016, 12:13:45 PM8/22/16
to OpenToonz Users Forum

While using the Control Point Editor Tool, select the desired point or points  .  .  .         and press the "Delete" key on your keyboard.

To select multiple points, either "box select" them or select them randomly by holding down the "Ctrl" key while selecting.

Greg Smith

Philipp Stumpp

Aug 22, 2016, 4:00:51 PM8/22/16
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Hi guys,

thanx for your answers. Selecting the CT was not the problem. But here is what the Problem has been: on my Mac, OT automatically sets the key for deleting to: "Del". But this key doesn't exist on a "normal iMac keyboard". I've posted the difference in the pics below. There are some keyboards with a key called "delete" und some with a "Backspace" key. In that case you have to reassign the delete function via "configure shortcuts" and OT automatically recognizes the right key.


Aug 22, 2016, 10:12:37 PM8/22/16
I've run up against the Mac differences many times while assisting others and I work blind every time I try to trouble shoot in that arena.
I've been saying for many years that some day I'll get a Mac just to resolve that but so far I haven't got that done.

You didn't say it but I think (?) you resolved your issue via assigning the Backspace as your Delete key.
I hope that is the case.  If not let us know and we'll put out a call for better assistance.  :)

Edit:  I now see from your other post (Delete vs Backspace) that you did close the loop on this one.  Outstanding.

Philipp Stumpp

Aug 23, 2016, 4:16:17 PM8/23/16
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Yes, i closed the loop. 

Whenever i can help others with a mac specific problem I will do that because I'm going to work with OT for a loooong time. If i only had some experience in programing i would change some issues by myself because there still are some "main bugs" left for the Mac version which makes working wit OT very very difficult in some cases. Do you know which person is doing the Mac programming? Maybe i can contact him by myself to tell him some of the mein Bugs which should be solved right from the beginning ... ?

So let's do some great art together :) 




Aug 23, 2016, 6:57:06 PM8/23/16
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Sorry, I'm not well enough versed with who is doing what in the programming arena to point you in the right direction.
I did see your post elsewhere that mentioned getting some Mac users together to focus on that POV.
That's a good idea.

I do think that with OpenToonz code being further refined for use with PCs, Macs and Linux many of the issues that work for one will work for all platforms but there are some specific gotchas that will always exist between OS and it's good that someone (or a group of someones) is knowledgeable and on the look out for those.


Philipp Stumpp

Aug 24, 2016, 5:22:45 AM8/24/16
to OpenToonz Users Forum
Hi Rodney,

you are right. Many issues should work for all platforms but there are a few things which should work on all platforms right know but no one has ever looked after them. For example the out grayed menu items or that whenever you try to rearrange a window by holding down the mouse button to move a window in OT out of it's position OT is doing really interesting things but not what it should really do. So these are some bugs the programers should resolve first hand so that we get a stable running version with a good user friendly environment before starting on all of these extras users wants to see in the prog. 

For the Mac-Crew i want to get started i will ask directly in a new task ;)

Keep on the good work!

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