[Thread network] Data transfer between NCP nodes from host

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Jérémie Lalanne

Mar 25, 2019, 10:30:17 AM3/25/19
to openthread-users

I have an architecture like this:
{Ubuntu (End-device)} <-(wpantund)-> {nRF52840 NCP} <--(thread network)---> {nRF52840 NCP} <-(wpantund)-> {Raspberry 3B+ (OTBR)}

I want to use MQTT-SN over that IPv6 network.
I would like to know if it's possible (and if so, how) to transfer data through wpantund from the end-device to the OTBR (itself connected to a hub), without modifying nordic's image (I can change it to CLI, coap or any but not modify them).

For example: drive an MQTT-SN client's program running on the end-device to wpantund which will redirect messages through the thread network to the MQTT-SN gateway running on the OTBR.


Jonathan Hui

Mar 25, 2019, 3:12:31 PM3/25/19
to Jérémie Lalanne, openthread-users
Yes, this is certainly possible.

Simply use OTBR to form a Thread network using the web UI (see guide).

Then attach a wpantund+NCP device using wpanctl commands (see codelab).

Once you have a wpan0 interface on both ends, you should be able to send messages using the IPv6 address assigned to the wpan0 interfaces.

Jonathan Hui

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