We decided to restart the process of nominating and voting on the Executive Committee. This channel is for nominations, or you can offer yourself as a candidate. Nominations will end November 15, 2015. We’ll create a ballot as a simple survey after we gather the nominations, and send a link to the ballot to the email list and post it here. Meanwhile we’ll continue voting at Loomio on sections of the bylaws. By the end of December, we’ll have the Executive Committee and the bylaws in place, and can start working on platform and other activities.
We created a channel in Slack, the platform we're using for basic communications, for #nominations.
Note: If you haven't visited or joined our Slack conversations, please do so. Everyone on this list was invited to Slack; you should have the invitation in your email if you haven't already joined. You've also been invited to Loomio, the platform for proposals and consensus. If you haven't joined, and can't find your invitation, send me an email (
jon.le...@gmail.com) and I'll help you get on board.
Jon L.