Open Source Party seems to have been stillborn, due to the obvious
cause of nobody emerging to take the lead and pay attention to it...
There is an opportunity, perhaps, to tie the thinking/feeling
underlying the Open Source Party with the Occupy movement. After all,
the Occupy movement actually followed quasi open source principles in
maintaining its defining articles, plans, etc.
However, without someone wanting to devote at least, say, 10 hours per
week of their time to the cause, the Open Source Party just ain't
gonna happen...
I support the cause but I'm way too busy with other stuff that I also
value, to put that kind of time into it...
Also I would reiterate my previous suggestion that "Open Party" or
something less geeky would help in terms of reaching out to others
like those involved in the Occupy movement. I'm not suggesting to
abandon "Open Source" as a guiding principle, just making a point
about marketing...
-- Ben Goertzel
Ben Goertzel, PhD
"My humanity is a constant self-overcoming" -- Friedrich Nietzsche
Since I don't use Facebook frequently, I'm not aware of developments
happening in the Facebook group ...
If things are happening via the Facebook group, and it's just this
list that is dead, then indeed my apologies for an erroneous missive
I personally am unlikely to be heavily involved in any organization
that's Facebook-centered, but that's my own peculiarity.... Hopefully
once a little more momentum is gained the activity will move off
- Seth
Well, due to some bug or design flaw in Facebook, I have been unable
to get that forwarding feature to work as desired...
I tried to get this to work a few times, but the only settings I got
to work were
1) Forward posts from NO groups to my email
2) Forward posts from ALL groups I belong to, to my email
Of course, this problem may be solvable via me studying Facebook's
advanced control panels more carefully, but I haven't taken the
But anyway, although I think Facebook sucks, I'm happy there's
activity regarding the Open Source Party occurring *somewhere* ;-)
Here's a mess o' related links.
The TED 2012 global theme is radical openness:
State codes, for humans:
Is anyone watching Americans Elect?
There's a group called The 99% Declaration with plans for a
constitutional convention in Philly on July 4th. They have a draft
agenda and plans to form a third party. One of their current points is
Internet related:
(note I don't agree with everything on that agenda, but I've kicked in
$25 for the convention space and am registering as a delegate)
United Citizens of the World has a platform related to copyright and
is organizing political parties in UK, Australia, Canada and Norway:
(I don't agree with everything on their agenda either, being
especially squeamish about declaring things like health care and
education as 'rights')
I ran into these today:
I am a TEDx organizer outside Philly and have access to the worldwide TEDx community.
Liberal Arts colleges tend to be very supportive of student initiatives, so I think introducing the ideas to these students, who are usually very politically active, would be a fantastic way of getting this moving. Just a thought.
I'm a co-founder of, a non-profit taking the principles of open-source to communities to catalyze collaborative action, which I think is relevant. We're just starting up and are on track to receive funding.
Also, this entire SOPA (learning from the GoDaddy situation), PIPA, NDAA, and PRESENCE (which I haven't heard about) is an opportunity to gather pissed off people and push this idea.
I'm new here, but I want to see this take off.
Luke Burns
Sent from my iPhone
I think the / a next step is to have a university hosted conference,
the proceedings of which become a reference point for future work.
I have edited many academic books and conference proceedings, so I
could easily help with that part... including finding a publisher,
dealing with authors of papers based on their conference
presentations, etc...
I've also organized a host of conferences, including academic ones
(the Artificial General Intelligence series and others) and
non-technical ones (e.g. the Humanity+ future tech/philosophy
So while I wouldn't have time to chair an Open Source Party conference
on my own, I'd be happy to serve on the organizing committee of such a
conference and help out a bit...
Conferences and publications are things I have a lot more experience
with than political parties ;) ...
-- Ben Goertzel
I don't think HK is quite ready for the Open Source Party yet...
however, it would be interesting to spread the meme there, just in
case it becomes relevant in some future incarnation of the Chinese
political system...
I'm peripherally involved in organizing TedX Hong Kong (which is each
year in Nov or Dec), so maybe we can have a speaker on the Open Source
Party at TedX HK next year...
This all sounds awesome. Thanks everybody for sending the links.
It seems like barely anyone has noticed the PrECISE Act (mainly due to zero TV and little web coverage), so I wanted to share the link and some info here.
This blog has some info, and a pdf of the legislation in case anyone feels down to swim in the legalese.
Here is an excerpt:
Homeland Security has proposed a new cybersecurity bill called, 'Promoting and Enhancing Cybersecurity and Information Sharing Effectiveness' (PrECISE Act) that "would establish a quasi-governmental entity to oversee information-sharing with the private sector," reported The Hill . This cybersecurity legislation would create
"the National Information Sharing Organization (NISO), a semi-government entity, "would be staged as a clearinghouse for exchanging relevant information regarding cyber threats and vulnerabilities." Yet the New American noted , "Many civil liberties groups have expressed concern over cybersecurity legislation such as the PrECISE Act, as these policies could lead to severe privacy rights' violations. Gregory Nojeim, senior counsel at the Center for Democracy & Technology , said in congressional testimony, "Approaches to cybersecurity that would eliminate pseudonymous and anonymous speech online would put privacy at risk, chill free expression and erode the Internet's essential openness.As the founders of our country recognized, anonymity and pseudonymity play essential roles in allowing political views to be aired."
Not trying to play captain doom and gloom here, but it's hard for me to believe that the dinosaurs that make up our representatives have any solid grasp of internet issues, especially when they're caught tweeting about other things during hearings or speeches on the house floor. It has me leaning more toward this being drafted by DHS-industry lobbyists and pushed quietly through the legislature during the Holiday ether. That's what Congress has done throughout history...passing what should be controversial legislation quietly when people are off for the holidays. It doesn't help when the mainstream media has been so quiet (especially on TV) about the SOPA and NDAA legislation, and how they've been grandstanding over payroll tax cuts with their airtime.
I'm figuring that if I do my part to inform everyone on this PrECISE business, that we can see how it folds in with what we're trying to do here. This legislation has a definite impact on how things are going to be perceived and handled with the internet, and paired with the other legislation moving through, and the timing of public/civil unrest/popular support for change, etc. that we all need to be informed on what's getting snuck through by congress right now. I'm not trying to go for conspiracy or political debate with this stuff, I'm just trying to inform.
-Luke Mulks
On Dec 27, 2011 8:45 PM, "Ben Goertzel" <> wrote:
I'm living in Hong Kong 2/3 of the time and in DC 1/3 of the time...
I don't think HK is quite ready for the Open Source Party yet...
however, it would be interesting to spread the meme there, just in
case it becomes relevant in some future incarnation of the Chinese
political system...
I'm peripherally involved in organizing TedX Hong Kong (which is each
year in Nov or Dec), so maybe we can have a speaker on the Open Source
Party at TedX HK next year...
On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 11:27 PM, Trevor Tomesh <> wrote:
> As someone who's...
Gov't regulation is currently pretty much restricted to medical
research, crypto research and some other special areas ... plus of
course anything with obvious direct military applicability. Stem
cell research didn't end up getting harmed that much by gov't
regulation, due to the replacement of Bush by Obama...
My gut feeling is that strong regulation of advanced tech is unlikely
to happen in the US --- because it if **were** to happen, it would
give obvious economic advantage to other nations, and the US
political/business/military establishment really doesn't want that...
My worry is more about advanced tech being developed in badly
ethically suboptimal directions, due to being driven largely by
short-term economic and political goals on the part of particular
corporate and other organizational actors, rather than by a quest for
the medium-term welfare of sentient life on Earth and in its
-- Ben G
This is the kind of news that gets the heart beating. With everything going on across social platforms over the last several months, I admit to not putting proper focus on this effort.
Can you supply some info on the candidates? I will plug the hell out of them. This could build momentum.
Two of my friends are running for State Senate on an Open Source platform. Anyone know of any open source platforms out there?
I have been really putting a lot of thought and energy into developing a strategy that could implement a more direct democracy social participation platform where citizens could introduce policy and have it work like seeders to a torrent. The policy that has the most seeds working its way to passing.
I know it seems like a pipe dream, but I have this RevoJournoDesignerDeveloperOperator gene in my dna, have dedicated my life since September to putting all of myself out there with the momentum of activism that has built, and it's led me to landing a job I love and a network of unimaginably beautiful and amazing like-minds. The more active I become with this, the more I break the fear barrier into a million pieces and build solidarity with others doing the same, and the more our government continues pushing the status quo the more I honestly feel that we are way better off and capable when we govern ourselves. We don't need everyone on board that is stuck in the theatre. We don't need to convert people to the obvious. We just need 5-15% of the great active brains out there building a new OS for the way we approach governing.
I apologise for the rant. I feel honored to even share this thread space with so many brilliant minds and I feel that now that I have your attention it is my duty to express my desire to have each of us scale out our view of what governance could look like. I don't know the best way for us to break more ground, but this chain keeps picking up over and over again from long periods of inactivity and I feel that's happening because we all feel that this is possible to spark something good that actually can help so many people who feel lost, broke and powerless on their home turf.
I hope this didn't turn anyone off, as that's not my intention. I have nothing but love and infinite respect for each of you, and this thread keeps inspiring me each time I come across it.
That being said, lemme know who those candidates are. I want to plug the hell out of them and begin an seo/social whirlwind to get people talking about this.
Thanks again,