filter by neighborhoods and more and a request for button design

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Jun 11, 2011, 4:35:45 PM6/11/11
the one feature almost unanimously requested is filter reqs, offers and people by neighborhood.  

some other cool stuff done in the last few months:

1. to accomodate accounts of people who don't have internet access, an admin can now switch to another user by going to their profile and clicking on "Act as this person"

2. mike travers fixed a tricky delayed_job serialization bug which has been cherry-picked from the BACE fork

3. french translation!!! thank you to heather hunter and rob young in ottawa!

4. using bundler for gem management

you can follow the latest activity (still on the groupy branch) here:

finally, there is a high priority issue to get the "new offer" and "new req" to be more prominent.  if anyone would like to contribute some clickable buttons for these links, it would be very much appreciated.  here's the issue:

of course, any other improvements are always encouraged as there's lots of new issues being added.


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