.ssh file nowhere to be found

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Ian Campbell

Feb 4, 2017, 6:55:37 PM2/4/17
to opensourcecurrency
Hi, don't know if this group gets used anymore, but I thought I'd give it a chance. I'm trying to start a time bank in Denton, TX. I have no prior knowledge about anything remotely related to programming. But I did all of the above steps (installed Heroku, Amazon Web Services, GitHub desktop, cloned the oscurrency, etc) but no matter where I look or what I type on Finder (for Mac), I cannot find the .ssh file or github_rsa.pub anywhere.

Any one know what i'm doing wrong?

Tom Brown

Feb 5, 2017, 5:12:14 PM2/5/17
to opensourcecurrency
good question.  i don't have a mac so i just installed github desktop for the first time on windows and when i logged in to the desktop app, it created the github_rsa.pub file in a new .ssh directory in my user's home directory.  what i would try is opening a command line window, and assuming it puts you into your user's home directory, just type:

ls -a

an hopefully the .ssh directory should be listed.  please let me know if it is not there.
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