Sticky / Song Notes

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Alistair Baty

Dec 12, 2020, 11:19:37 AM12/12/20
to OpenSongApp
Song Notes is not working properly for me:
  1. They are not popping up. "Autoshow stick notes" on, with floating window, 3 seconds
  2. If I click the Notes page button, it does nothing (other page buttons seem fine). If I hold the Notes Button, it takers me to the normal Notes window, where the edit option is.
Does anyone else see this?

I wondered if it was to do with the characters I web using in the Notes, but cannot get it to work as expected.
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Alistair Baty

Dec 13, 2020, 1:35:09 AM12/13/20
to OpenSongApp
I don't see this in the beta app

Gareth Evans

Dec 21, 2020, 11:42:30 AM12/21/20
to Alistair Baty, OpenSongApp
Hi Alistair,
I've not seen this since the update (v5.2.2 did have an issue from memory).  Can you send me a sample song if it is just one song that is causing the issue.


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Alistair Baty

Oct 30, 2021, 2:31:59 PM10/30/21
to Gareth Evans, OpenSongApp
Sure thing.
Here are the three offending songs

Glorious was the first to error (contents = Great things)
Echo Holy was next (again contents = Great things)
Great Things original file

I will send you another mail with another discovery.


Alistair Baty
1 Canyon Alder, Littleton Colorado 80127 USA
+1 303 475 3575
  +1 303 800 6359

Great Things
Echo Holy

Steve S

Mar 21, 2023, 10:12:15 AM3/21/23
to OpenSongApp
I just changed my sticky notes settings so there is a time of 20 seconds but it still stays open till i click the x

Steve S

Mar 21, 2023, 7:08:46 PM3/21/23
to OpenSongApp
Hi Gareth
You wrote " If you open the sticky note using the toggle page button, that overrides the automatic hiding of the note.  I've adjusted the sticky note settings page to hide the 'time' feature if autoshow is not selected."

I am finding that when I choose a song and it has  sticky note text that a few ticks after it loads the sticky note window appears and that it does not automatically close like it did in V5.  So I found the setting page for it and set a time and then when I left the song and came back to it the time setting seemed to have no effect - it stayed open till I clicked the X

Gareth Evans

Mar 22, 2023, 3:25:32 AM3/22/23
to Steve S, OpenSongApp
Hi Steve,

That's strange, it definitely hides for me.  There is a 2 second delay after opening a song before certain tasks happen (pads, sticky notes, highlight notes, etc). This is to allow you to skip through songs quickly without starting these processes until you have settled in a song choice.

I'll have a look at the hide code again and see if there is any reason why it wouldn't be working for you.

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