I've just had a chance to do some testing with new version (actually 6.3.4 now).
Good news, the two clicks issue seems to have been resolved. When autoscroll takes a song to the end, a single click advances to the next song in the setlist. Thanks for your persistence in solving this.
Not sure if it's related, but unfortunately another small quirk seems to have popped up. When autoscroll has taken a song partway through, clicking the "previous" button on the pedal immediately brings up the previous song in the setlist, rather than trying to scroll up first.
In the same situation (autoscroll having taken a song partway through), clicking the "next" button on the pedal scrolls down (as expected).
What I've also noticed, is that in the same senario (autoscroll partway through a song), if the "next" button is clicked first (scrolling the song down a bit), and then the "previous" button is clicked, it funtions as expected (scrolling the song up a bit).
In either of the last two cases, with the button clicks successfully scrolling the song first, when the top or bottom of the song is reached the next click in the same direction brings up the previous or next song in the setlist (as would be expected).
Sorry to bring up bad news mixed in with the good! Thanks again for all you do with this app!