I started an OpenSocial NYC Meetup for those in NYC who would enjoy to meet other OpenSocial enthusiasts and talk OpenSocial.
I plan to discuss the State of the Union in our next Meetup. Date TBD.
It would be great if someone from NYC, who’s attending the upcoming State of the Union, could brief those of us who are not able to make it out, at our next OpenSocialNYC Meetup. Anyone volunteering to summarize the State of the Union during our Meetup in NYC?
I have preliminary reserved Wednesday, May 25, but we can move the date if need be.
Remko Caprio
Developer Network | Elsevier
Developer Platform Evangelist
360 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010 USA
Mobile +1 (718) 679 8532
Skype: remkocaprio
IM: remkocaprio