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Ready for review: Complete drafts of OpenSocial v0.8 and related spec updates

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Dan Peterson

May 9, 2008, 9:27:22 PM5/9/08
to opensocial-and-gadgets-spec
Hi folks,

As discussed last week, the full draft of OpenSocial v0.8 specification is ready for your review. This draft specification includes updates to existing specs, inclusion of the RESTful spec, release notes, and detailed JavaScript doc (JSDoc). The intent was to clearly capture all of the 40+ changes/additions that we have developed on this mailing list since version 0.7 of the spec (as tracked in ). Let's use the next week or two to make improvements to these docs and then we can lock down 0.8.

You can find all 6 of these documents uploaded into the "Files" section of this Google Group:

The draft documents published are (please note that some of the links in the files might not work as this is only a staged copy):
  • 1 - OpenSocial 0.8 Release Notes
  • 2 - OpenSocial 0.8 Specification
  • 3 - OpenSocial 0.8 RESTful API Specification
  • 4 - gadgets Specification
    • Canonical gadgets XSD
    • Extended gadgets XSD
    • gadgets Message Bundle XSD
  • 5 - opensocial.* 0.8 JS doc
  • 6 - gadgets.* JS doc
I have conveniently numbered these documents so it is easier for you to walk through them in a clear order. In addition, documents 1 through 4 have their additions/updates highlighted for ease of reference. To better organize detailed feedback for each document, I will now start a thread for each of the 6 documents. Please be sure to direct your feedback to the appropriate thread.

Also, as a reminder, this coming Wednesday, May 15, we'll be holding an OpenSocial Summit in Mountain View, California. This event is an ideal opportunity to discuss this draft specification, propose ideas for future iterations, and learn about the latest happenings in the community -- as well as get to know each other in person.

You can learn more about the event at:
The agenda is here:
(RSVP is here: )

Looking forward to your feedback (in the appropriate thread ;),

Dan Peterson

May 20, 2008, 3:04:34 AM5/20/08
to opensocial-and-gadgets-spec
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the comments thus far in helping clean up and sanity check the draft documents for OpenSocial v0.8. I'm really glad to see us all working together and for there not to be any major issues in the draft docs.

If you have any final comments, please be sure to mention them prior to Wednesday, May 21 at 5pm Pacific Standard Time, so we can wrap up any issues and get these published!

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