grammatical parsing like groves wheeler?

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Dec 8, 2016, 12:19:03 PM12/8/16
to opensiddur-tech

I like how biblical hebrew has resources such as The Old Testament Parsing Guide by Todd Beall

Or, as shown in bibleworks, the Groves Wheeler morphology

Siddurim  have loads of translations, but I can't find a single resource offering the results of a grammatical parsing of each word.

I've heard of things being done that automate parsing, such as 

and allen ross in his book "introducing biblical hebrew" has a process of 'mechanical' parsing, though doesn't give many examples.  A critical review of the book is below 

I see nothing though regarding the hebrew of a siddur.   Either manual or automated. Do you know of anything or any attempts? 


Efraim Feinstein

Dec 8, 2016, 2:01:50 PM12/8/16

It's an interesting idea and I'd like to see it implemented. It is entirely possible within the Open Siddur framework. I have no current plans to implement it since my backlog is long, time is short, and a fully working client is my highest priority (though there has been progress on that front).

Do you have any interest in working on implementing it?


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Aharon Varady

Dec 8, 2016, 2:12:10 PM12/8/16
to Open Siddur Technical Discussion List
David Delauro shared this handy chart he made for parsing Hebrew words a few years ago. See attached.
David Delauro - strong_verb_flow_chart.pdf

Andrew Meit

Dec 8, 2016, 2:41:25 PM12/8/16
Oh my, I will have to throw away an older chart I did 20 yrs ago. Thank you, thank you David!
Are these in svg format too? I might tweak them.
This is a cool gift!

> On Dec 8, 2016, at 2:11 PM, Aharon Varady <> wrote:
> <David Delauro - strong_verb_flow_chart.pdf>

Andrew Meit

Dec 8, 2016, 2:42:56 PM12/8/16
I want to share these on fb for others to learn from. A link I can use please.

On Dec 8, 2016, at 2:11 PM, Aharon Varady <> wrote:

Dec 8, 2016, 7:25:12 PM12/8/16
to opensiddur-tech
On Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 7:01:50 PM UTC, Efraim Feinstein wrote:

It's an interesting idea and I'd like to see it implemented. It is entirely possible within the Open Siddur framework. I have no current plans to implement it since my backlog is long, time is short, and a fully working client is my highest priority (though there has been progress on that front).

Do you have any interest in working on implementing it?


I'm not at a level of knowledge to be  able to parse it,  i'm still reading beginner books on biblical hebrew and have not yet learnt how to parse even all of the 7 basic stems let alone the rest..   

What I could do, and it's a bit of a longshot and perhaps not any use.. And probably something you wouldn't want to do, and might be ridiculous to do, or not an option,  but if you know of any $5 an hour indian programmers that speak reasonable english  and there is funding to pay them, then I could communicate with them make sure they don't get confused re the hebrew letters, i'm a very good teacher type person.  If you have any blackbox tests available, and if the only obstacle is that they don't know that e.g. aleph is \u05d0  or what a cholam looks like, then I could fill them in.  I know one such programmer but I don't know if his expertise is sufficient (without showing him the task), or if it covers the opensiddur platform,.  .     And regardless it'd need at least a pseudocode parsing algorithm and some blackbox testing to provide to said indian programmer. I could then overcome the language barrier by explaining things re the algorithm or blackbox tests that are hebrew related, and I could see how they're getting on with it.  I have been a bit busy but I might be able to do that.  I'm pretty sure though you don't want to go down that route and are looking for somebody that just knows how to parse the words and knows the technology, but that's not me.
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