Larger vowels than letters

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Baruch Yehuda Sabel

May 11, 2018, 1:02:03 PM5/11/18
to opensiddur-tech
I can't seem to find a font that supports larger vowel size with smaller letters.
Every time I enlarge the vowels significantly they either shift to a "new" letter or remain under the previously letter but off center. [I assume this is becuase they take the placement as-if there was a bigger letter there, which there is not]

It would be so appreciated if any help in this area could be given.


Aharon Varady

May 13, 2018, 2:34:08 AM5/13/18
to Open Siddur Technical Discussion List
This is a great question, and my recommendation is that you use Inkscape (an open-source vector based drawing program) to create the letters with diacritics that you need. After converting the shape of the letters and diacritics (of whatever font you choose) to their outline, you can then manipulate the size and placement as you desire. Apologies if this is not the answer you were hoping for! Anybody else have a suggestion?

One more thing. 

If you want to show a diacritic but don't want to show a letter, you can do so in any text-editor that properly supports Unicode. The "generic mark base" character is U+25CC. See the top row of the keyboard for where it can be found in the Tiro Bible keyboard layout, if you have that installed:


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Aharon Varady
Founding Director, Shamesh
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Baruch Yehuda Sabel

May 13, 2018, 10:41:18 AM5/13/18
to opensiddur-tech
Woah. Thank you so much for the response. That is a bit technical for me. I am very unfamiliar with Inkscape but is what you are suggesting making a "picture" that I would have to put in each time I wanted that letter + vowel, or would it be a 'font'. 

Aharon Varady

May 13, 2018, 12:24:11 PM5/13/18
to Open Siddur Technical Discussion List
On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 10:41 AM, Baruch Yehuda Sabel <> wrote:
Woah. Thank you so much for the response. That is a bit technical for me. I am very unfamiliar with Inkscape but is what you are suggesting making a "picture" that I would have to put in each time I wanted that letter + vowel, or would it be a 'font'. 

To do this in Inkscape, you start by selecting a font. So you'll be limited by whatever fonts you have installed on your computer. (There's a wide variety of fonts available here: <http://opensiddur/help/fonts>.)

At the end of the process, you will have what is called a vector image. Save it as an SVG, and export it as a PNG. 

I apologize that for your question, a technical response is the only one I know to give.


Baruch Yehuda Sabel

May 13, 2018, 3:46:32 PM5/13/18
to opensiddur-tech
Thanks again, this was a tremendous help. I do have one issue in Inkscape, when I add vowels (at least on the computer I am on now (windows 7)) Since I am adding them as an independent "text box" (so that I can manipulate them freely) they come with the ring/circle of dots as a sort of "void letter". This interferes with the other letters of the word. Is there a workaround this?

Sorry for my terminology. 

On Friday, May 11, 2018 at 1:02:03 PM UTC-4, Baruch Yehuda Sabel wrote:

Aharon Varady

May 13, 2018, 4:06:43 PM5/13/18
to Open Siddur Technical Discussion List
1) Select the letter/vowel combination.

2) From the toolbar, under "Path", select convert "Object to Path."

3) Then using the arrow tool, you can select the letter or the diacritic to move it, delete it, enlarge it, etc., separate from one another. 

This selection and separation should also apply to that ring/circle of dots, a/k/a the "generic mark base" (U+25CC) which I mentioned earlier. 

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