My LimmudBoston 2013 Presentation

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Marc Stober

Dec 10, 2013, 8:14:13 AM12/10/13
to,, Brett Lockspeiser, Ze'ev Clementson

Here's my LimmudBoston presentation on "Open Source Judaism 2.0" for any of you who are interested:
Thanks to those of you who contributed (Aharon, Efraim, Brett, and, serendipitously via Flickr, Chajm). Feel free to use in your own presentations. Any questions or discussion welcome!

Thanks, Marc

-- ~ ~ twitter: marcstober

Zev Clementson

Dec 10, 2013, 10:42:15 AM12/10/13
to Marc Stober,,, Brett Lockspeiser
Hello Marc,

Thanks for sharing your presentation, it looks very comprehensive. Since I'm going to be presenting to LimmudVancouver in February (it will be my first Limmud conference and I normally present to technical audiences), I was wondering if you could share some of your impressions:

1. How was your presentation received? Did you feel the level of the presentation was suitable to the audience? Much feedback?
2. How big was the group that attended your presentation and were there any technical issues due to the format?
3. Your presentation was pretty well "self-contained". If you had wanted to include a demo or something other than just presentation slides, would that have presented any issues (given the format and venue)?
4. Any tips, suggestions that you could pass on to me?


Hinda Tzivia Eisen

Dec 10, 2013, 11:35:15 AM12/10/13
to, Marc Stober,, Brett Lockspeiser

You might also find interesting that one of the very first-known copyright notices was on a publication of Jewish music from the 16th century, by Salamone Rossi (to our modern ears it's a little funny...):

We have agreed to the reasonable and proper request of the worthy and honored Master Salamone Rossi of Mantua . . . who has become by his painstaking labors the first man to print Hebrew music. He has laid out a large disbursement which has not been provided for, and it is not proper that anyone should harm him by reprinting similar copies or purchasing them from a source other than himself. Therefore . . . we the undersigned decree by the authority of the angels and the word of the holy ones, invoking the curse of the serpent’s bite, that no Israelite, wherever he may be, may print the music contained in this work in any manner, in whole or in part, without the permission of the abovementioned author. . . . Let every Israelite hearken and stand in fear of being entrapped by this ban and curse. And those who hearken will dwell in confidence and ease, abiding in blessing under the shelter of the Almighty. Amen. (34)

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