OpenSF session interest survey - please fill out!

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Pepper Mint

May 3, 2012, 3:18:14 PM5/3/12
Hey there OpenSF folks!

We are doing a survey of interest in the various sessions and events we have lined up, so that we can better serve your needs when scheduling things during the weekend.  It is an anonymous single-page survey which takes 5 minutes to fill out.

Here is the survey link:

As a reminder, here are the full session descriptions, which may be useful while doing the survey:

While it in no way is a requirement to do so, it is in your best interests to fill out this survey, as good scheduling reduces the possibility of sessions ending up in rooms that are too small for them.  Please fill it out only once.  Please do not forward the survey to people who are not already registered for OpenSF, or to any lists or social media.

If you have any questions, drop me a line.  Thank you!


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